The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What arrangement does Alberto say is necessary for Gabriel to sleep with Monna Lisetta?
(a) Alberto will have to tie her to the bedposts.
(b) the angel will have to use Alberto's body.
(c) Alberto must be present to witness Gabriel's actions.
(d) Monna Lisetta must keep her eyes closed.

2. How does Ciappelletto's confession later hoodwink the church?
(a) Ciappelletto promises a donation he never makes.
(b) Ciappelletto is buried in the Vatican.
(c) Ciappelletto becomes a martyr and is later canonized.
(d) Ciappelletto becomes a model for all businessmen.

3. How does a prostitute deceive Pietro?
(a) by claiming to be a fortune teller.
(b) by claiming to be his long lost sister.
(c) by claiming to be his late brother's mistress.
(d) by cliaming to be in great distress.

4. Who takes the place of the prince and seeks revenge on the duke?
(a) the prince's father.
(b) the prince's sister.
(c) the prince's brother.
(d) the prince's son.

5. Why does Berto della Massa go to Venice and take on the identity of Brother Alberto?
(a) he plans to steal gold from the church.
(b) he is such a liar that no one will have dealings with him.
(c) he is wanted for murder.
(d) he wants to find out what monks do in their cells.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the nuns do because they think Masetto is deaf?

2. When does Masetto return to his village of Lamporecchio?

3. What does Abraham observe among the church leaders in Rome?

4. After the trouble at sea, what happens to the men who love Alatiel?

5. What does Nuto suggest Masetto do to get the job?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Alatiel after she is taken to safety?

2. What eventually transpires between Masetto and one of the nuns?

3. What happens when the secret of Masetto's affair with the nun gets out?

4. What do the brothers think when they hear Ciappelletto's confession?

5. How does Brother Alberto take advantage of Lisetta whom he calls Lady Halfwit?

6. How does Andreuccio turn the tales on the two robbers?

7. What happens to Ciappelletto while staying with two Florentine brothers in Burgundy?

8. What ultimately happens after Ciappelletto dies?

9. What do the village women tell Alibech after she explains how she put the devil back into hell with Rustico.

10. What means of entertainment do the young people devise?

(see the answer keys)

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