The Dark Child Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Child Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Marie spend time at Mamadou's house?
(a) In the evenings.
(b) On weekdays.
(c) On Saturdays.
(d) On Sundays.

2. Who talks to Camara's mother about his desire to study abroad in hopes of convincing her that it is a good idea?
(a) Camara's uncle.
(b) Camara.
(c) Camara and his father.
(d) Camara's father.

3. What kind of landscape does Camara see that he has never seen before while on the train to Conakry?
(a) Waterfalls.
(b) Deserts.
(c) Foothills.
(d) Rivers.

4. What does Camara find on the honor roll at his school every term?
(a) His uncle's name.
(b) His name.
(c) His friend's name.
(d) Marie's name.

5. When does Camara leave home?
(a) When he's fourteen.
(b) When he's twelve.
(c) When he's fifteen.
(d) When he's sixteen.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the ritual procession around town finish?

2. Why does Camara return to Kouroussa after completing his final exams?

3. When do the young boys face the real test of circumcision?

4. Who asks Camara if he would like to go abroad to finish his studies?

5. Who is Konden Diara?

Short Essay Questions

1. Following their encounter with Konden Diara, the young boys face the real test of circumcision. How does the ceremony in Kouroussa proceed?

2. Describe the character of Mamadou.

3. At the end of Camara's third year of school, he takes his proficiency examinations. Describe what happens.

4. Describe the character of Marie.

5. How do Camara and Marie spend time together as teenagers?

6. Camara does not like one of the behaviors his mother exhibits when he gets back home for vacation? Which behavior?

7. What happens on the way to and at the train station before fifteen year old Camara sets off to Conakry?

8. What happens when Camara and his father go to talk to Camara's mother again, hoping to convince her to let Camara finish his studies in Paris?

9. What does the director of the Technical College ask Camara before he leaves Conakry upon successfully completing his exams, and what is Camara's reaction?

10. What happens at the airport and on the plane to France?

(see the answer keys)

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