The Complete Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Complete Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Strepsiades trying to do after relenting over beating Pheidippides?
(a) Enroll Pheidippides in Socrates' class to get rid of his debt.
(b) Enroll Pheidippides in the army.
(c) Enroll Pheidippides in school so he can find a job.
(d) Enroll Pheidippides in betting classes.

2. What does Bdelycleon order his slaves to do?
(a) To wall the door.
(b) To replace the wood door with a steel door.
(c) To nail the door.
(d) To cap the chimney.

3. What does Dicaeopolis wait for at the beginning of Acharnians?
(a) His wife to come back from the Oracle.
(b) Athens to surrender to Sparta.
(c) Sparta to surrender to Athens.
(d) The assembly to begin.

4. Who greets Trygaeus upon his arrival at the gates of heaven?
(a) Heracles.
(b) Hera.
(c) Zeus.
(d) Hermes.

5. What is Bdelycleon's father's affliction?
(a) He loves women.
(b) He loves the courts.
(c) He loves drinking.
(d) He loves women.

6. What does Dicaeopolis agree to?
(a) To talk to the assembly to help lower taxes.
(b) To go back to Sparta.
(c) To enlist in Athens' army.
(d) To put his head on the chopping block while he makes his case to the crowd.

7. At the end of Peace, how does the celebration end?
(a) War comes back.
(b) People are celebrating, using war instruments as peaceful tools.
(c) People steal the bride and escape flying on a giant beetle.
(d) Zeus refuses to assist in the wedding.

8. What are the judges entitled to according to Bdelycleon?
(a) A small percentage of the taxes.
(b) A small percentage of the money politicians extort using the courts.
(c) A small percentage of the court fees.
(d) A small percentage of the belongings of those condemned.

9. Who does the teacher ask for to replace Strepsiades?
(a) Pheidippides.
(b) Plato.
(c) Zeus.
(d) Socrates.

10. What does peace and Hermes give Trygaeus to thank him for liberating Peace?
(a) Another giant beetle.
(b) Harvesthome as a slave.
(c) Harvesthome as his wife.
(d) Mayfair as his wife.

11. What does Dicaeopolis do after the closing of the assembly?
(a) He goes to the Oracle.
(b) He goes to Sparta.
(c) He meets Dionysus.
(d) He meets a man named Amphitheus.

12. What must Athenians and Trygaeus' servants prepare for when Trygaeus returns?
(a) The invasion of Sparta.
(b) A feast to celebrate war.
(c) A festival wedding.
(d) A funeral.

13. What happened to the Acharnians' farms before the play begins?
(a) They were sold to Sparta.
(b) They were built on loose soil.
(c) They were burned down by Spartans.
(d) They had good crops.

14. How is Cleon's rival able to win?
(a) By running faster.
(b) By being more shameless.
(c) By being a better sausage merchant.
(d) By being better at logic than Cleon.

15. What is the reaction of the one that is supposed to replace Cleon?
(a) He refuses the honor.
(b) Overjoyed.
(c) Frightened.
(d) Skeptical.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Trygaeus ask his servants and daughter not to do?

2. What are Demosthenes and Nicias doing the night of the play?

3. Upon his arrival at the think-shop, how is Strepsiades greeted?

4. What is the relationship between Strepsiades and Pheidippides?

5. What does the teacher eventually decide about Strepsiades?

(see the answer keys)

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