The City of Ember Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jeanne DuPrau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City of Ember Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jeanne DuPrau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the dare Lina shouts to her classmates that causes an argument with Doon?
(a) That she can jump down six steps at a time.
(b) That she can climb a lightpole.
(c) That she can cartwheel over a small wall.
(d) That she can jump a large hedge.

2. According to the book Doon finds, what is a "hog"?
(a) The writer says it's a dirty animal.
(b) The writer of the book doesn't know.
(c) The writer says it's the source of bacon.
(d) The writer says it's a large animal.

3. What is one of the things Lina likes about Doon?
(a) That he's curious.
(b) That he's always by himself.
(c) That he's handsome.
(d) That he doesn't interrupt her when she talks.

4. Where is Poppy during the town meeting?
(a) With Mrs. Murdo.
(b) With Lina.
(c) At home with Granny.
(d) At school.

5. What does Doon say he usually dreams about?
(a) Insects.
(b) A way out of Ember.
(c) The river.
(d) Locks and clocks.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Lina and Doon know the man in the tunnel has unlocked the door?

2. Why does Lina believe the key to the locked door might be in a pan?

3. What time does Lizzie get off work?

4. Who is Alis Fleery?

5. What does Doon believe are his two possible courses of action?

Short Essay Questions

1. List at least three of the jobs that are included in the list of jobs given out to Lina, Doon, and their classmates. Briefly described those jobs.

2. What is the plan the Builders have for ensuring the people of Ember can find their way out of the city at the correct time?

3. What is the message the mayor gives during the town hall meeting in chapter six and what it the reaction of the people to his message?

4. What happens when Lina and Doon are trying to figure out a way into the strange door Doon finds in the Pipeworks?

5. What is Dr. Tower's first reaction when Lina says her Granny is sick and what does she instruct Lina to do once she's seen Granny?

6. Describe what lies beyond the light from Ember and what people know about that area.

7. Describe the pencils Looper has for sale and Lina's reaction to them.

8. What does Doon discover when he goes into the generator room on his first lunch break and why is he disappointed?

9. What is Assignment Day and how are assignments given?

10. Who does Lina show the instructions to first and what is that person's reaction?

(see the answer keys)

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