The City and the City Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City and the City Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the Ul Qoman detective working with Borlú?
(a) Quincy Dhatt.
(b) Quentin Dhatt.
(c) Quinn Dhatt.
(d) Quissim Dhatt.

2. What characterizes the city in which Borlú lives and works?
(a) Borlú's city is run-down and drab.
(b) Borlú's city is a hub of tourism.
(c) Borlú's city is full of life and color.
(d) Borlú's city is modern and sleek.

3. Whose voice seems familiar to Borlú?
(a) Jahar Daris.
(b) Darah Rajis.
(c) Dahar Jaris.
(d) Hajjar Radis.

4. Borlú is pleased to find what has been displayed throughout the city?
(a) A flyer listing the police tip line.
(b) Images of good citizens.
(c) Warnings against committing crimes.
(d) Posters attempting to identify the victim.

5. In what city does Borlú live and work?
(a) Ul Qoma.
(b) Pocost Village.
(c) Bol Ye'an.
(d) Beszel.

6. When speaking with the students at the dig, Borlú is surprised none of them discuss what?
(a) Orciny.
(b) Breach.
(c) The murder.
(d) The unificationists.

7. What is the name of the pathologist?
(a) Stepen Shukman.
(b) Gunter Strász
(c) Ramira Yaszek.
(d) Jan Pocost.

8. By seeing Borlú's posters, the informant has committed what crime?
(a) Breach.
(b) Illegal immigration.
(c) Lying to authorities.
(d) Abduction.

9. According to the True Citizens, why was Geary murdered?
(a) Because she disrespected Beszel.
(b) Because she disrespected Orciny.
(c) Because she disrespected Breach.
(d) Because she disrespected Ul Qoma.

10. According to information Borlú has received, the victim was studying what?
(a) Anthropology
(b) Art history.
(c) Archeology.
(d) Philosophy.

11. According to the unificationist, the victim believed in what fabled city?
(a) Thule.
(b) Orciny.
(c) Quivira.
(d) Suddene.

12. How does Borlú describe the powers of Breach?
(a) As confusing.
(b) As nearly limitless.
(c) As misunderstood.
(d) As weak.

13. The victim's parents tell Borlú that their daughter had angered whom?
(a) Members of the faculty.
(b) Members of the government.
(c) Members of Breach.
(d) Members of radical groups.

14. Which group of people do Borlú and Dhatt interrogate?
(a) The Ul Qoman unificationists.
(b) The Besz unificationists.
(c) The Ul Qoman nationalists.
(d) The Besz unificationists.

15. What is Inspector Borlú's first name?
(a) Tyrion.
(b) Tylor.
(c) Tyador.
(d) Taylor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What information does Borlú ask Taskin Cerush to get for him?

2. Where was the owner of the van on the night of the murder?

3. What is the name of Borlú's boss?

4. Bowden's book expounded on what theory?

5. The accent of Borlú's anonymous informant indicates what about him?

(see the answer keys)

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