The Children of Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Children of Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What disease does Luke suffer as a child?
(a) Asthma.
(b) Epilepsy.
(c) Depression.
(d) Leukemia.

2. What does Julian want Theo to leave behind while he journeys to the village?
(a) The gun.
(b) His jacket.
(c) Food.
(d) His watch.

3. What language does Theo find a note in?
(a) Greek.
(b) Latin.
(c) Hebrew.
(d) French.

4. How long does Rolf imagine they will be pulled over after the car gets a flat tire?
(a) An hour.
(b) Twenty minutes.
(c) Forty five minutes.
(d) Overnight.

5. How does Theo decide to abandon the car?
(a) Push it over a cliff.
(b) Hide it in the garage of a deserted home.
(c) Throw dirt and leaves over the top to hide it from aerial view.
(d) Push it in a pond.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Theo recall Xan announcing years prior at the place where the rest of the Five Fishes are hiding in Chapter 21?

2. What does Rolf not do at the end of Chapter 24 that Theo expects?

3. As Miriam lodges concern over the speed of the car in Chapter 24, how is Julian behaving?

4. Why does Theo step outside the woodshed during the preparations for the birthing?

5. After Xan finds Theo and Julian, what does he tell Theo he will do with Julian?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Theo regard his feelings towards the person he meets at the market in Chapter 19? What does he decide he will do next?

2. Why does Miriam come for Theo?

3. How does Rolf say he can "use" Theo? How does Theo respond?

4. What kind of Warden does Rolf say he would be? What is Theo's reaction?

5. Why does Theo take Miriam inside to Jasper's, and not to Rolf?

6. What happens after the baby is born?

7. What does Miriam inform Theo of in the car, and what is his reaction? Who knows and who doesn't know the secret?

8. What do Theo, Miriam, and Julian learn when they listen to the radio?

9. What does Helena tell Theo when he returns, and why does she want him off the phone?

10. How does Theo plan for Julian to escape the attackers? Does the plan work? What is unsuccessful?

(see the answer keys)

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