The Center of the Story Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Lydia Davis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 50 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Center of the Story Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Lydia Davis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 50 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: The Center of the Story.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After completing her first draft of the story, what does the woman realize about it?
(a) She cannot remember why she wanted to write it in the first place.
(b) She understands more about herself and her life now that she has written it.
(c) She is losing touch with her passion as a writer.
(d) She is afraid that the content of the story will upset her friend.

2. What denomination is the last church that the woman visits?
(a) Episcopalian.
(b) Methodist.
(c) Congregationalist.
(d) Baptist.

3. What technique is used in the phrase "the stink of burning hair, fur, and horn" (19)?
(a) Synesthesia.
(b) Assonance.
(c) Imagery.
(d) Onomatopoeia.

4. What is it logical to infer about the church women who are wearing red?
(a) They are ushers.
(b) They are collecting the offering.
(c) They are the choir.
(d) They are worship leaders.

5. What detail of the woman's train ride reinforces the motif of things that come close to happening but do not actually happen?
(a) The direction she is traveling.
(b) Her distance from the city.
(c) Her thoughts about religion.
(d) The water level.

Short Answer Questions

1. What detail in the description of the man indicates how ill he feels?

2. Why does the main character find that the story she is working on is not an easy one to write?

3. Why was the woman reading the Bible during the period she writes about in her story?

4. What does the sick man want when he calls the main character?

5. What does the woman suspect that the man believes about his blasphemy?

(see the answer key)

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