The Cat Who Turned on and Off Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cat Who Turned on and Off Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After leaving the police station, who is the person he leaves Iris with?
(a) Cluthra.
(b) Mary Duckworth.
(c) Ben Nicolas.
(d) A nurse at the hospital.

2. What does Mary say is strange about the request for horse braces?
(a) Very few people even know what they are.
(b) No one wants them anymore.
(c) She has had the same inquiries at her shop.
(d) She never heard of such items.

3. Why does Qwilleran think people will be astonished when he enters the Press Club dinner?
(a) His date is Iris Cobb.
(b) His date is Mary Duxbury.
(c) His date is Sylvia Katzenhide.
(d) His date is Cluthra.

4. When someone comes in asking for horse braces, what are they really looking for?
(a) Stolen jewelry.
(b) Stolen electronics.
(c) Drugs.
(d) Pornography.

5. What does Qwilleran do for Iris Cobb during her extended absence?
(a) Calls her relatives in Ohio.
(b) Gguards her apartment.
(c) Takes a turn managing her shop.
(d) Feeds her cat.

6. What distracts Qwilleran as he unfolds the piece of foil the cats have left for him?
(a) Firetrucks come rushing into Junktown.
(b) Yum Yum goes crazy running around the apartment.
(c) Someone is pounding on his door.
(d) Koko accidentally turns on the tape player.

7. Whose boot sole matches a footprint Qwilleran found in the Elsworth house?
(a) Ben Nicolas.
(b) Russel Prantz.
(c) Iris Cobbs.
(d) Russel Patch.

8. Where do Qwilleran and Ben go on a late night "scrounge."?
(a) Andy's shop.
(b) The Ellsworth House.
(c) The Garrick Theatre.
(d) The Gaston Museum.

9. In the fight between Qwilleran, what happens to prevent Ben from escaping?
(a) Koko scratches Ben in the eye.
(b) The MacIntosh coat of arms falls and knocks Ben out.
(c) Dennis runs in to help Qwilleran.
(d) Mary shows up with a pistol.

10. Whose car does Qwilleran discover fits the size and shape of the second car that was at the Ellsworth House?
(a) Ben's.
(b) Mary's.
(c) Prantz's.
(d) Cluthra's.

11. Why had Rosie come to Junktown?
(a) To look for a horse brace.
(b) To spy on Qwilleran.
(c) To find out who bought the chandelier.
(d) To buy a gift for her husband.

12. Thinking about what he saw in the dust at the theatre, what does Qwilleran believe caused the swirl pattern?
(a) The antics of a cat.
(b) A draft from under the stage.
(c) The pivot of a boot print.
(d) The tassles on Ben's scarf.

13. What was the original purpose of the space Qwilleran and Mary discover?
(a) To escape if there is a fire.
(b) To hide runaway slaves.
(c) To store old furniture.
(d) To get from the third floor to the first.

14. Where is the antique dealers' meeting held?
(a) In the attic.
(b) In C. C.'s shop.
(c) In the local church.
(d) In Qwilleran's room.

15. Which character in the novel has "an expensive sound system"?
(a) Russell Patch.
(b) Ben Nicholas.
(c) Cluthra.
(d) Hollis Prantz.

Short Answer Questions

1. What awaits Qwilleran when he returns to his apartment?

2. How is the relationship between Qwilleran and Mary progressing?

3. How is the weather during the Junktown Block Party?

4. During their conversation, what does Mary reveal about her quarrel with Andy the night of his death?

5. What does Qwilleran find in Ben's apartment during a visit?

(see the answer keys)

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