The Book of the City of Ladies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of the City of Ladies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To Cato's claim that attractive women are like roses with thorns underneath, what does Reason say the thorns represent?
(a) Violent natures.
(b) Evil ways.
(c) Reason says there are no thorns in women's nature.
(d) Contrition and fear of doing wrong.

2. Who invents the arts of dying wool and weaving fine tapestries?
(a) Pamphile.
(b) Thamaris.
(c) Arachne.
(d) Irene.

3. Who changes Ulysses's men into swine?
(a) Circe.
(b) Manto.
(c) Medea.
(d) Ceres.

4. Who helps Jason acquire the Golden Fleece?
(a) Circes.
(b) Manto.
(c) Medea.
(d) Sappho.

5. What male author praises intellectual women?
(a) Socrates.
(b) Plato.
(c) Boccacio.
(d) Matheolus.

6. Why do Hercules and Theseus invade the Amazons?
(a) There is peace between the Greeks and the Amazons.
(b) Because they fear the Amazons.
(c) Because they want wives.
(d) The Amazons invade the Greeks.

7. Who kills Queen Penthesila?
(a) Achilles.
(b) Hector of Troy.
(c) Pyrrhus.
(d) Aeneas.

8. Why does Christine think herself unfortunate?
(a) For being born a woman.
(b) For losing her job.
(c) For being poor.
(d) She does not think of herself as unfortunate.

9. Who has complete knowledge of pyromancy?
(a) Nicostrata.
(b) Medea.
(c) Proba.
(d) Manto.

10. Who is Clotar's mother?
(a) Queen Fredegunde.
(b) Queen Camilla.
(c) Queen Artemisia.
(d) Queen Zenobia.

11. Who follows King Mithradates into battle rather than reveling in luxury in her own land?
(a) Queen Drypetina of Laodicea.
(b) Queen Claudine of Rome.
(c) Queen Hypicratea of Amazonia.
(d) Queen Griselda of France.

12. Who excels in the seven liberal arts and becomes a remarkable poet?
(a) Sappho.
(b) Proba.
(c) Manto.
(d) Cornifica.

13. What is better than good judgment because it can benefit mankind for all of eternity?
(a) Wealth.
(b) Virtue.
(c) Chastity.
(d) Learning.

14. Who is so intelligent that many declare that she is the goddess of arms, warfare, and wisdom?
(a) Isis.
(b) Nicostrata.
(c) Minerva.
(d) Medea.

15. Who conquers Ethiopia and India?
(a) Hippolyta.
(b) Semiramis.
(c) Synoppe.
(d) Caria.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who predicts that Justinian will become emperor?

2. After the trench is completed, what must Christine do to begin building the foundation?

3. Who writes "Letter of Othea to Hector"?

4. Whose duty is to judge and repay everyone according to their just deserts?

5. Who makes women perfect in mind and body?

(see the answer keys)

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