The Blue Afternoon: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blue Afternoon: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what do Carriscant and Wieland argue?
(a) The correct way to take out an appendix.
(b) The correct medical care for Delphine.
(c) Cruz's hobby.
(d) Cruz's private morgue.

2. What does Carriscant tell Sieverance?
(a) Delphine was unfaithful to him.
(b) Delphine needs to go to Europe for better medical care.
(c) Delphine will be fine.
(d) Delphine died of a miscarriage.

3. What does Carriscant watch Pantaleon do?
(a) Take his plane three feet off thhe ground.
(b) Put down Cruz and leaves Cruz speechless.
(c) Use anesthesia to calm a patient.
(d) Taxi his plane.

4. What does Carriscant discover about Siverance's wife?
(a) She is friend's with the woman he had dreamed of.
(b) She is the woman he had fantasized about.
(c) She knows his best friend in Italy.
(d) She is his third cousin.

5. Why does Pantaleon want to buy on the black market?
(a) So his competitors will not know what he is building.
(b) He cannot find what he wants in the regular market.
(c) It is illegal to privately own certain securities.
(d) It is cheaper, even though he still has to pay taxes on it.

6. What does Carriscant travel to Luneta?
(a) To apply for a job.
(b) To see the woman from the archery range.
(c) To give a talk on sterile operating procedures.
(d) To pick up his cousin's son.

7. What does Panteleon have to decide about the engine after it arrives?
(a) If he needs two of them.
(b) How it should be mounted.
(c) If it is powerful enough.
(d) If it is too heavy.

8. Why does Carriscant start a fire in Sieverance's shed?
(a) To try to lure Sieverance into dying in the shed trying to save the animals.
(b) To distract the household so he can speak to Delphine.
(c) He does it accidentally when he overturns a lantern.
(d) He does not start a fire in the shed; the groom started the fire by accident.

9. What is the real reason Carriscant visits Bobby?
(a) To ask about a woman Carriscant saw.
(b) To give Bobby a tip about a racketeer.
(c) To ask Bobby for help in finding Carriscant's daughter.
(d) To confess to embezzling.

10. With what does Pantaleon threaten Carriscant?
(a) Telling others about Carriscant's affair.
(b) Filing a lawsuit.
(c) Setting it up to make Carriscant look guilty.
(d) Telling Delphine that Carriscant is having an affair.

11. What happens when Panteleon and Carriscant take off in the plane?
(a) It eventually crashes, killing Panteleon.
(b) It never gets off the ground.
(c) It initially sputters, then levels out quite well.
(d) It flies and lands quite well.

12. What is Cruz's ward like when Carriscant visits it?
(a) Only one patient with a large goiter.
(b) Almost empty.
(c) Neat and clean but has many dead patients.
(d) Filthy and full of dead patients.

13. How long is Carriscant in Bilibid Prison?
(a) 1 year.
(b) 8 years.
(c) 4 years.
(d) 12 years.

14. What does Carriscant do to cause an old Philippine man to laugh at him?
(a) Masturbates in the woods.
(b) Makes his wife walk away from him.
(c) Loses his way in the city.
(d) Causes a woman to slap Carriscant.

15. What does Delphine say her husband would do if she runs off with Carriscant?
(a) Beg her to come back.
(b) Let her go.
(c) Give her money to divorce him.
(d) Follow them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Delphine tell Carriscant?

2. Why do Kay and Carriscant go around to sweet shops?

3. What does Pantaleon say the co-pilot will do?

4. What does Cruz say about the procedure?

5. How does Carriscant contrive to meet Delphine alone?

(see the answer keys)

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