The Big Wave Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Big Wave Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jiya's demeanor as he surveys the Old Gentleman's castle?
(a) He is uneasy.
(b) He is silent.
(c) He is sad.
(d) He is ecstatic.

2. Kino's father thought that Jiya would be a __________________.
(a) Merchant.
(b) Fisherman.
(c) Farmer.
(d) Gardener.

3. The Old Gentleman says it is a pity that ______________ would not be his son.
(a) Aito.
(b) Kenzo.
(c) Jiya.
(d) Kino.

4. What does Jiya tell Kino's father about what he wants to do?
(a) He wants to go away to school.
(b) He wants to be a gardener.
(c) He wants to return to fishing.
(d) He wants to travel the world.

5. Jiya says that the people on the island are brave because _____________________.
(a) Their elders require it.
(b) It is honorable.
(c) Their sons look up to them.
(d) They must be.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kino's father equates the gateway of death to the gateway of __________________ so that Kino can understand it.

2. One evening, Kino climbs the hill to look at the____________________.

3. Kino's father says that only when Jiya _____________________ will he be happy again.

4. What is Jiya's demeanor since seeing the men building the house on the beach?

5. Whom does Jiya want to marry?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason do two men give to Kino and Jiya for building a house on the beach?

2. What does Jiya tell the Old Gentleman about why the villagers are brave?

3. Describe how Jiya feels happiness when he returns to be part of Kino's family.

4. How does Kino spend his time during the days when Jiya is healing?

5. Where will Jiya build his house and what does he need in order to get started?

6. How does Kino show his selflessness regarding Jiya's decision and why does Jiya refuse to stay at the Old Gentleman's castle?

7. What requirement does Kino's father make of Jiya before he makes his decision about living with the Old Gentleman and what is Kino charged with doing regarding Jiya's decision?

8. How does Kino's father compare the gateway of death to the gateway of life so that Kino will have a better understanding?

9. What is Jiya's rationale for why the Old Gentleman's castle is no safer than a house on the beach?

10. Why is Kino's father open to the offer that the Old Gentleman makes regarding Jiya?

(see the answer keys)

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