The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Barbara Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Barbara Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does Imogene manage to get from Wanda by blackmailing her?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A ring.
(c) A charm bracelet.
(d) A charm anklet.

2. Father jokes that he had attended the pageant the year discussed by the narrator only to see what?
(a) His own bathrobe in the pageant.
(b) His bag of flour playing baby Jesus.
(c) Charlie as Joseph.
(d) Charlie as an angel.

3. In what grade is Charlie during the events of the Christmas pageant focused on by the narrator?
(a) Fourth.
(b) Second.
(c) Third.
(d) First.

4. What is Charlie's reply when he is asked what he likes about Sunday School?
(a) He says that he likes the feeling he gets when he goes there.
(b) He says that he likes how quiet and peaceful it is.
(c) He says that there are no Herdmans there.
(d) He says that he likes to learn songs about Jesus.

5. What proclamation does Mother make about Charlie's comment about his favorite part of Sunday School?
(a) Hearing it made her prouder of Charlie than she had ever been.
(b) It is a practical sentiment.
(c) It is not a very Christian sentiment.
(d) It is a heartwarming sentiment.

6. The narrator states that Imogene never learns anything except what?
(a) The multiplication tables and how to pick pockets.
(b) Slang words and the multiplication tables.
(c) Profane words and secrets about everyone.
(d) How to tie knots and how to hurt animals.

7. For what reason does the narrator say Miss Brandel had passed Claude on to second grade even though he had not mastered the required skills?
(a) Because she knew she would have Imogene the following year.
(b) Because she knew she would have Ollie the following year.
(c) Because she knew she would have Ralph the following year.
(d) Because she knew she would have Gladys the following year.

8. The neighbors around the toolhouse had been worried that it would attract what types of animals, prior to burning to the ground at the hands of the Herdman siblings?
(a) Rats.
(b) Raccoons.
(c) Possums.
(d) Mice.

9. In the annual Christmas pageant, children in primary grades have traditionally taken which roles?
(a) Donkeys.
(b) Shepherds.
(c) Angels.
(d) Wise Men.

10. When the school nurse asks Imogene whether Ollie is in bed, Imogene replies that Ollie is where?
(a) At the comic book store.
(b) At the mall.
(c) In his first grade classroom.
(d) In bed at home.

11. Who is the youngest child in the Herdman family?
(a) Leroy.
(b) Ollie.
(c) Gladys.
(d) Ralph.

12. In what type of container does Claude bring the Herdmans' cat to school?
(a) A metal barrel.
(b) A gunny sack.
(c) A cardboard box.
(d) A suitcase.

13. What information does Imogene collect about her classmates that she then uses to blackmail them to get things she wants?
(a) Their heights.
(b) Their parents' annual income.
(c) Their weights.
(d) Their deepest fears.

14. Who is the oldest child in the Herdman family?
(a) Ollie.
(b) Gladys.
(c) Ralph.
(d) Leroy.

15. How often does the whole Sunday school go to church and perform a special act during the first 15 minutes of the service to
(a) Every month.
(b) Every three months.
(c) Every week.
(d) Every December.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what day does the narrator look forward in order to get a break from the Herdmans?

2. What tactic does the narrator name as the best way to avoid contact with Imogene?

3. What is the name of the narrator's school?

4. What food does the narrator say the Sunday School kids get on Easter Sunday?

5. What kind of building is the only one the Herdmans had managed to burn all the way to the ground?

(see the answer keys)

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