The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to get Klaus and calls him home?
(a) The bald man
(b) Count Olaf
(c) The white faced women
(d) Hook-handed man

2. What does Violet realize about Count Olaf that makes him even worse than before?
(a) He is willing to do anything to get what he wants
(b) He doesn't care about the children
(c) He is smart
(d) He is a member of the police force

3. What is it that prevents Sunny from crying out a warning to Violet?
(a) A gag on her mouth
(b) She has been drugged
(c) Tape on her mouth
(d) A bag on her head

4. What type of book is it that the narrator explains practically no one likes to read about?
(a) Medicine
(b) Death
(c) Orphans
(d) Law

5. What does Violet begin doing while they are trapped in the tower?
(a) Trying to think of an invention to help them escape
(b) Looking for a way to call the police
(c) Trying to find a way to contact Justice Strauss
(d) Writting her last will and testiment

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the hook-handed man call Violet when he tells Count Olaf what she had tried to do?

2. What does Count Olaf 'innocently' suggest that Violet and Klaus do if they want to see something unusual?

3. Where does Count Olaf say that Sunny will remain until after the play?

4. What reason is explained to Klaus for the reason that Klaus has been allowed to live?

5. What image wakes Klaus up when he begins to have trouble focusing on the book?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the grappling hook that Violet creates to attempt a rescue in Chapter 8.

2. What is Count Olaf's response when Klaus reveals he has discovered Olaf's plan?

3. Describe what Count Olaf says and Violet thinks when he is asking her if it would be so bad being married to him in Chapter 8?

4. What does the hook-handed man tell Klaus in Chapter 7 that frightens Klaus?

5. What is Justice Strauss' reaction when she sees the children before they go on in Chapter 12?

6. What is it that Violet's parents told her when they brought both Klaus, and later, Sunny, home from the hospital?

7. What does Klaus do as the hook-handed man leaves the library to fetch Violet and Sunny in Chapter 7?

8. While Violet and Klaus are trying to think of a way to get out of the tower in Chapter 11 what things do they discuss but don't offer any help?

9. How is the tower described in Chapter 11?

10. How does Klaus' all night reading in Chapter 8 compare to how he used to stay up all night reading when his parents were alive?

(see the answer keys)

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