The Autumn of the Patriarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autumn of the Patriarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What animal does Emanuel resemble when he is born?
(a) A goat.
(b) A dog.
(c) A calf fetus.
(d) A bird.

2. How many enemies did the General suspect of conspiring against him?
(a) 6.
(b) 21.
(c) 14.
(d) 19.

3. Which character's death is described as a marker of the end of creation?
(a) Manuela Sanchez's.
(b) Leticia Nazareno's.
(c) The General's.
(d) Major General Rodrigo de Aguilar's.

4. What is the only condition the General places on Jose Ignacio Saenz de la Barra?
(a) That he be informed of every decision de la Barra makes.
(b) That he be left ignorant of the man's actions.
(c) That he not disturb the garden dedicated to Leticia and Emanuel.
(d) That he not interfere with the General's sexual proclivities.

5. What happened to the cause of Bendicion Alvarado?
(a) It was suspended because of the General's interference.
(b) It was rejected because of her unchaste youth.
(c) It was suspended for insufficient proof.
(d) It was postponed because of the political significance of the results.

6. Convinced of his mother's holiness, the General writes to which city to begin the canonization process?
(a) Rome.
(b) Patagonia.
(c) Bogota.
(d) Chile.

7. The General, in the "feminine splendor" of his death, is compared to which public figure?
(a) The Virgin Mary,
(b) His own dead mother.
(c) The Queen Mother.
(d) A dead pope.

8. When does the first cow invade the palace?
(a) Right after the General's death.
(b) Right before the General's death.
(c) An October afternoon.
(d) The narrator doesn't tell us.

9. What prompts the General to have all of Leticia's food inspected?
(a) Leticia's sudden vomiting spell.
(b) A threatening note.
(c) A fish bone in her bread.
(d) A bad omen.

10. What does the General do after his mother dies?
(a) He calls on the local priest to give her last rites.
(b) He sleeps face-down next to her body.
(c) He attempts to revive her for hours.
(d) He weeps for 13 days.

11. How had the General's government marked those suspected of nonconformity?
(a) A yellow flag on the house.
(b) A red S on the door.
(c) A red circle on the door.
(d) A yellow X on the wall.

12. Where does the General kidnap Leticia from?
(a) The Nation.
(b) Puerto Rico.
(c) Jamaica.
(d) Rome.

13. What is Bendicion Alvarado's coffin filled with, to keep her body from rotting?
(a) Ice and saw dust.
(b) Roses and cedar chips.
(c) Alcohol and ice.
(d) Formaldehyde and ice.

14. What happens as a result of the Vatican's decision in the cause of Bendicion Alvarado?
(a) The Apostolic Nunciature is ransacked.
(b) The General calmly appeals the decision.
(c) The Eritrean is murdered.
(d) Nationwide celebrations erupt.

15. What act of state importance does Emanuel perform from his baby carriage?
(a) He performs wedding ceremonies.
(b) He holds meetings with his father's advisors.
(c) He presides over official acts as his father's representative.
(d) He declares times of martial law.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when the General refuses to allow U.S. troops into the nation?

2. The General paid a man 200 pesos to do which of the following during his mother's procession?

3. What does Ambassador Eberhart give the General as a distraction from the bad business deal?

4. Who was Delfina Moscote?

5. When does the General finally consummate his relationship with Leticia?

(see the answer keys)

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