The Atlantis Gene Test | Final Test - Easy

A.G. Riddle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Atlantis Gene Test | Final Test - Easy

A.G. Riddle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Patrick Pierce say he’s from in the journal entry in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 81?
(a) Kentucky.
(b) West Virginia.
(c) South Carolina.
(d) North Carolina.

2. What is the name of the scattered Irishman who accompanies the German to meet with Patrick Pierce in the journal entry from Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 79?
(a) Craig Venter.
(b) Josh Cohen.
(c) Mallory Craig.
(d) Conner Anderson.

3. Patrick Pierce tells David in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 127 that they believed that the Bell might in fact be some kind of what?
(a) Anti-nuclear device.
(b) Beaconing device.
(c) Wormhole generator.
(d) Satellite.

4. Patrick tells Kate in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 145 that one minute in the Antarctica chamber equals how much time once Kate is back on the surface?
(a) 30 minutes.
(b) 100 minutes.
(c) 20 minutes.
(d) 360 minutes.

5. What is the Latin term for the ancient subspecies of humans referred to as “Hobbits” in the narrative?
(a) Neanderthals.
(b) Homo floresiensis.
(c) Denisovans.
(d) Homo sapiens.

6. What is described as “an ever-present danger in many coal mines” in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 81?
(a) Helium.
(b) Methane.
(c) Fluoride.
(d) Oxide.

7. According to the scientific information related in the novel, Melanesians and Australian Aborigines have up to what percentage of Denisovan DNA?
(a) 10%.
(b) 20%.
(c) 6%.
(d) 2%.

8. How old does Dorian Sloan/Dieter tell Konrad Kane he is now in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 136?
(a) 36.
(b) 32.
(c) 42.
(d) 29.

9. Who is revealed to be the man that Helena’s father intended for her to marry in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 91?
(a) Rutger Kane.
(b) Mallory Craig.
(c) Dieter Kane.
(d) Dr. Chang.

10. What is the last known place of habitation by the Neanderthals?
(a) Ancient Egypt.
(b) The Andes Mountains.
(c) The Himalayan Mountains.
(d) The Rock of Gibraltar.

11. Antarctica is said to cover what area in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 82?
(a) 125 million square kilometers.
(b) 74 million square kilometers.
(c) 17.5 million square kilometers.
(d) 12.8 million square kilometers.

12. What is the name of the soldier that encounters Kate and the children in Gibraltar in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 147?
(a) Jackson.
(b) Ross.
(c) Mills.
(d) Williams.

13. In the journal entry that Kate reads in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 77, the narrator describes monkeys kept in cages inside of what cave?
(a) St. Michael’s Cave.
(b) St. Maria’s Cave.
(c) St. Andrew’s Cave.
(d) St. Peter’s Cave.

14. What year does David tell Patrick Pierce it currently is in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 127?
(a) 1999.
(b) 2013.
(c) 2001.
(d) 2012.

15. Kate claims in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 98 that everyone outside of Africa has what percentage of Neanderthal DNA?
(a) 1-4%.
(b) 10-15%.
(c) 15-20%.
(d) 5-10%.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the note say that Qian has left for Kate and David in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 98?

2. What does the voice in the observation room tell Kate the two children are carrying in the backpacks they wear as they enter the site in Antarctica in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 110?

3. Where does Howard Keegan say he is currently located when he speaks on the phone to David in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 101?

4. What is the building described like that Patrick Pierce finds when he arrives at the address on his employer’s card for the archeological dig in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 81?

5. What science fiction novel by Jules Verne is alluded to in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 81?

(see the answer keys)

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