The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Man with the Twisted Lip," what is found in the water?
(a) Mrs. Whitney's meat cleaver.
(b) Mrs. St. Clair's pocketbook.
(c) Mr. St. Clair's coat.
(d) Mr. Whitney's reading glasses.

2. In "A Scandal in Bohemia," who is the female character's significant other?
(a) Mr. Windbank.
(b) Mr. Jabez Wilson.
(c) Mr. Godfrey Norton.
(d) Mr. William Prince.

3. What does Holmes threaten Mr. Windbanks with?
(a) A riding whip.
(b) A knife.
(c) The authorities.
(d) A pistol.

4. In "A Scandal in Bohemia," how does Holmes know someone is going to pay him a visit?
(a) Holmes receives a telegram.
(b) Holmes receives a letter.
(c) It is a surprise guest.
(d) Holmes receives a phone call.

5. In "The Five Orange Pips," why is Watson staying with Holmes?
(a) Watson's wife is out of town.
(b) Watson is getting a divorce.
(c) Holmes is lonely and asks Watson to come over.
(d) Watson's wife kicked him out.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did the letter Elias receives come from?

2. In "A Scandal in Bohemia," is Holmes successful at solving the case?

3. In "The Man with the Twisted Lip," who is the last person to see the person Holmes is investigating?

4. According to Watson's medical investigation in "The Boscombe Valley Mystery," from which angle did the fatal blow come?

5. "A Case of Identity" begins with Holmes and Watson discussing the strangeness of _______________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. In "A Case of Identity", what does Holmes decide to do with the information he has found on Turner?

2. What is Holmes' plan to recover the picture in "A Scandal in Bohemia?"

3. In "A Case of Identity", why does Windbanks masquerade as Angel?

4. How does "The Five Orange Pips" end?

5. Why do you think Doyle ends "The Five Orange Pips" with no real resolution?

6. What is the case Holmes takes on in "A Scandal in Bohemia?"

7. In "A Case of Identity", what is Turner's reaction to being the accused killer?

8. In "A Scandal in Bohemia," Holmes goes out disguised as a drunken stable worker to Miss Adler's stable. What happens when he follows Miss Adler?

9. Who are the main characters in "A Case of Identity"?

10. How is "The Five Orange Pips" similar to "A Scandal in Bohemia"?

(see the answer keys)

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