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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of Thea's older husband?
2. Which of the following women is the first woman Augie claims to have known who does not play mind games?
3. What does Thea purchase for Augie in preparation for their move abroad?
4. How much does Robey offer Augie per week to work as his assistant?
5. Who does Augie blame for the drop in intimacy when he and Thea move to Acalta?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why is Oliver evicted from the hotel where he is staying in Mexico City?
2. How does William feel about Augie's relationship with Mimi Villars?
3. How does Bateshaw prevent Augie from flagging down a passing ship after their Marine boat sinks?
4. Who collects venomous snakes, and why?
5. Who is Sophie Geratis?
6. What does Augie write in the letters he sends to Stella from aboard the MacManus?
7. What happens when Augie offers to drive his disfigured maid home to her family in Normandy at the end of the novel?
8. What job does Augie almost take working for Leon Trotsky?
9. Why is Thea planning to move to Mexico?
10. How does Renee attempt to ensnare Simon in her life forever?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The most constant force in Augie's life, from childhood to adulthood, was his relationship with the eccentric tycoon, William. Describe how Augie and William first met. Then, describe how that relationship changed as Augie reached adulthood. Choose two moments that you believe were turning points in the relationship between William and Augie and describe them. How did these moments lead to the state of the relationship between Augie and William when the novel came to a close?
Essay Topic 2
Education is something that was extremely important to the March family and to Grandma. First, describe why Grandma was set in ensuring that the March boys receive proper education. How did she go about ensuring that her boys became educated citizens? Then, compare Simon's performance in school with Augie's performance in school. Why does Augie struggle in school? How does Augie's lack of education affect his future? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.
Essay Topic 3
This novel covers a great span of historical time, including the labor movements of the 1930's. First, describe the complaint laborers had in the 1930's. How was their situation fueled by the stock market crash of the 1920's? Describe at least three of the political parties that were formed as a result of the labor movement. What was each of their stances on the rights of workers in the 1930's? Discuss Augie's involvement with the labor movement. How did Augie's involvement affect his life personally during the 1930's? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.
This section contains 1,127 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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