Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study of the Years 1900-1925 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study of the Years 1900-1925 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which month did Roland leave for the front in France?
(a) September.
(b) December.
(c) March.
(d) June.

2. Why did Vera's family move when she was eleven years old?
(a) Because her father's job was transferred.
(b) To be near good schools.
(c) Because they couldn't afford to live in the city anymore.
(d) To be near her grandparents.

3. In which month did Vera begin her work training after finishing at Oxford?
(a) In November.
(b) In September.
(c) In June.
(d) In August.

4. In Chapter 2, where did Edward and his friends intend to go after their school term ended?
(a) An academic study camp.
(b) A boy scout camp.
(c) A military camp.
(d) A fishing camp.

5. What did the locals ridicule Vera for in Chapter 2?
(a) Spending most of her time in London.
(b) Studying hard.
(c) Speaking Latin in the village.
(d) Wearing the latest fashions.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who changed Vera's father's mind about the education of women?

2. During her vacation from Oxford, what kind of work did Vera do?

3. In what year did Vera make her debut in London?

4. What group did Vera become involved in at Oxford in Chapter 3?

5. Where did Vera live while working at the 1st London General Hospital?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Vera and Roland's relationship progress in Chapter 3?

2. What were Vera's living arrangements when she started working at the 1st London General Hospital?

3. What was Mrs. Heath Jones's influence on Vera?

4. Why was Vera allowed to attend University in Chapter 2?

5. Why was Vera ridiculed by the locals in Buxton in Chapter 2?

6. What did Vera agonize over in Chapter 4?

7. What did Edward report seeing on his way back from military camp in Chapter 3? What did the townspeople begin to do after the war started?

8. What was Vera's childhood like? What did she like to do as a child?

9. As Roland's December leave approached, what did Vera begin to think about?

10. Who were Vera's two friends at boarding school?

(see the answer keys)

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