Taran Wanderer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Taran Wanderer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Taran feel about living the life of a shepherd?
(a) He loves the peace and serenity of it.
(b) He admires the physical tenacity it requires.
(c) He does not like it.
(d) He feels it is beneath him, but likes it.

2. What news does Taran hear when he first wakes after suffering injuries trying to save the shepherd?
(a) Dallben is coming.
(b) Craddoc is not his father.
(c) Taran is being honored as a hero.
(d) Creekdock is dead.

3. Why does Taran never want to see the princess again after hearing the shepherd's story?
(a) He loves her too much to let her lower her standards.
(b) He is of too low birth to ever marry her.
(c) He no longer loves her as he has found his home.
(d) He knows she would despise him after hearing he is a shepherd.

4. What does Taran find when he reaches the fourth of the Free Commots?
(a) They are the happiest people he has ever seen.
(b) They need a new leader.
(c) The city is preparing for attack.
(d) They are starving.

5. What does Dorath do to make the fight between him and Taran unfair?
(a) Calls in a second man to help him.
(b) Brings out a knife.
(c) Throws dirt in Taran's face.
(d) Takes a rest.

6. What do Taran and the farmer with the large family find in a field one day?
(a) A bag of wheat.
(b) Some oddly shaped stones.
(c) Another polished bone.
(d) A horse bridle.

7. Who is the fourth of the Free Commots in danger of?
(a) Lord Goryon.
(b) Dorath.
(c) Lord Gast.
(d) The 3 witches.

8. What is Taran unable to do in the fourth of the Free Commots that distresses him greatly?
(a) Deliver Annlaw's pottery.
(b) Catch and kill Dorath.
(c) Make his story heard.
(d) Defeat the outlaws.

9. What job does Taran take when he reaches the first of the Free Commots?
(a) Blacksmith.
(b) Weaver.
(c) Tailor.
(d) Artist.

10. What do Dorath and his men do when Taran asks them for some food?
(a) Completely ignores Taran.
(b) Lets Taran scrape the left-overs when the men are done eating.
(c) Makes Taran promise payment for the food.
(d) Welcomes them and feeds them.

11. What does Dorath decide to take as payment before he lets Taran leave?
(a) A promisory note.
(b) A sword fight.
(c) The enchanted ring.
(d) A letter of good will to King Smoit.

12. Why is Taran so hesitant to give up his sword to Dorath?
(a) He has no other weapons.
(b) It was a gift from Dallben.
(c) Dorath will most likely kill him with it.
(d) It is a huge disgrace to travel unprotected.

13. What does the farmer with Craddoc's sheep credit most of his success to?
(a) Knowledge.
(b) Luck.
(c) Love.
(d) Optimism.

14. What happens the first time Taran uses his new sword?
(a) It is stolen.
(b) It is admired and sold.
(c) It cuts him.
(d) It shatters.

15. What destroys the aggressors of the fourth of the Free Commots?
(a) Death.
(b) Confusion.
(c) Conversion.
(d) Scattering.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Taran stay for the winter?

2. What does Taran work to make at his second job with the Free Commots.

3. What does the shepherd tell Taran just before he dies?

4. What job does Taran take in the third of the Free Commots?

5. Which of the Free Commots does Taran think feels like home?

(see the answer keys)

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