Symptoms of Being Human Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Garvin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Symptoms of Being Human Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Garvin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many weeks away is the end of the election campaign for Congressman Sean Cavanaugh when Riley is supposed to attend the fundraiser and does not?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) Six.
(d) Three.

2. What question does Sierra openly ask Riley when Riley approaches the lunch table to talk to Solo?
(a) Whether Riley has a vagina or a penis.
(b) Whether Riley has two gay dads.
(c) Which brand of cosmetics is Riley's favorite.
(d) Whether Riley is a boy or a girl.

3. What time does Riley tell Bec they are required to be home on weeknights?
(a) 11:00 p.m.
(b) 8:30 p.m.
(c) 8:00 p.m.
(d) 10:00 p.m.

4. To whom does Bec take Riley's computer when Riley wants to connect to the internet?
(a) Jim.
(b) Solo.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Erik.

5. How does Riley acquire their vintage turntable?
(a) As a Christmas gift from their cousin.
(b) At a garage sale.
(c) As a Christmas gift from their father.
(d) At the Amoeba music store in Los Angeles.

6. When Riley sees two football players one morning before school, whom does he see giving Jim a small unidentified object?
(a) Solo.
(b) Doctor Ann.
(c) Bec.
(d) Erik.

7. What is NOT one of the treatments being used to help Riley improve their mental health?
(a) Antianxiety medication.
(b) Weekly talk therapy.
(c) Antidepressant medication.
(d) Weekly exposure therapy.

8. How does Riley describe the feeling of being "confined to the same identity day after day" (2) regardless of how they feel inside?
(a) Calming.
(b) Suffocating.
(c) Still.
(d) Exhilarating.

9. In which class does Riley sit behind Casey Reese?
(a) AP English.
(b) French.
(c) Precalculus.
(d) AP Geography.

10. What class does Riley have second period?
(a) AP Government.
(b) Physical Education.
(c) Precalculus.
(d) Biology.

11. What does Riley call the outfit worn for formal occasions?
(a) The iron maiden.
(b) The campaign costume.
(c) The doll clothes.
(d) The Halloween costume.

12. What happened during Riley's first week of sophomore year that caused them to avoid the lunchroom at all costs?
(a) They tripped on the stairs and fell onto a table.
(b) They dropped their tray of food.
(c) Another student tripped them and they injured their wrist.
(d) The staff decided to seat the boys and girls separately during lunch.

13. What was the name of Riley's previous school?
(a) Immaculate Heart.
(b) Our Lady of Fatima.
(c) St. Mary's.
(d) St. Cyprian's.

14. How does Riley style their hair on the first day of school?
(a) They create a fauxhawk.
(b) They attach extensions.
(c) They shave their head.
(d) They mash their bangs down to cover their face.

15. What offered item does Riley accept from Solo?
(a) A Rolo.
(b) A ring pop.
(c) A Starburst.
(d) A Snickers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of "the big three" (26) coping mechanisms recommended by Doctor Ann is most strongly resisted by Riley?

2. In what state does the narrative take place?

3. What adjective does Solo apply to Riley when he says that Riley is out of place in Park Hills?

4. For Riley's first lunch at Park Hills High School, plan B is to join the pierced and tattooed students at their table. What is plan A?

5. Riley chooses a picture of which musician for their Bloglr avatar?

(see the answer keys)

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