Sybil Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Flora Rheta Schreiber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sybil Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Flora Rheta Schreiber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sybil realize about her time with Dr. Wilbur?
(a) Spending time with the doctor is difficult.
(b) She thinks she will never be able to tell the doctor about her true self.
(c) It is tedious.
(d) She will be able to reveal all ger secrets!

2. How was the author able to gain access to the files of Dr. Wilbur?
(a) Sybil gave the author the files.
(b) She received permission.
(c) She stole the files.
(d) The hospital where Sybil was treated consented to releasing the files.

3. What does Vanessa dislike about her (Sybil's) parents having sex?
(a) They preach against intercourse.
(b) That they are hurting one another.
(c) The audacity of their actions.
(d) She thinks it is distasteful.

4. Vanessa and Marcia are _______ of Sybil's id and ego.
(a) Unsure.
(b) Distractions to.
(c) Unaware.
(d) Physical manifestations

5. What horrible things does Hattie do to neighborhood children?
(a) Cuts their hair.
(b) Turns them against their husband.
(c) Takes them out for sweet treats.
(d) Sexually abuses them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is her father's name?

2. Dr. Wilbur is convinced that the multiple personalities are all results of ______________.

3. At the age of six, what changes Sybil's life and the rest of the world?

4. What does Dr. Wilbur give Sybil?

5. How is Vicky different from the other selves?

Short Essay Questions

1. As therapy escalates, how does Sybil feel about her life?

2. What does Dr. Wilbur decide she must understand about Sybil's early life to cure her.

3. Describe the personality of Vicky.

4. Sybil catches her parents having sex, and it scares her. Why does this severely scar Sybil?

5. Where does Sybil meet Dr. Wilbur?

6. Why do Sybil and Dr. Wilbur's sessions suddenly stop?

7. Describe Hattie's personality.

8. What selves does Dr. Wilbur gradually meet as she and Sybil continue to meet?

9. What parts of Sybil's life play into her disorder?

10. What brings on the appearance of Peggy Lou, the first personality to appear?

(see the answer keys)

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