Swamp Thing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Swamp Thing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Swamp Thing's status quo at the beginning of Book Three?
(a) Complete inner peace.
(b) Angst.
(c) Ignorant bliss.
(d) Complete anger.

2. What does Campbell explain the comic genre would not have without the late 1960s period?
(a) The crazed philosopher, Sartre.
(b) The excellent writer, Alan Moore.
(c) The brilliant artist, Ashley Wood.
(d) The interesting theorist, Scott McLeod.

3. What kind of apocalypse is pronounced to be coming from the hands of the Floronic Man?
(a) The "green apocalypse."
(b) The "swamp apocalypse."
(c) The "red apocalypse."
(d) The "zombie apocalypse."

4. What comparison is drawn by Woodrue concerning consciousness and wise men?
(a) Consciousness manifests in wise women, not men.
(b) True consciousness is only given to the wise men.
(c) Cannibals eat wise men to gain knowledge.
(d) Men are only wise if they lose consciousness.

5. How does the coloring change in Swamp Thing's dream sequences during Book Two?
(a) It turns black and white.
(b) The coloring becomes red and yellow.
(c) It changes to a more pastel hue.
(d) It becomes more vibrant.

6. What is Swamp Thing truly?
(a) Half-wood, half-plant.
(b) A golem, purely plant.
(c) Half-bone, half-meat.
(d) Half-fruit, half-heart.

7. What was Swamp Thing, originally?
(a) Half-food, half-element.
(b) Half-man, half-vegetable.
(c) Half-man, half-alien.
(d) Half-vegetable, half-sheep.

8. What does fictional horror usually depend upon according to Campbell?
(a) Men in tights to save the day.
(b) Heartwarming relationships.
(c) A carefully contained and controlled environment.
(d) Elevated diction.

9. What kind of horrors does Campbell mention that the population of the 1980s had to encounter?
(a) Supervillains, AIDS, black holes.
(b) AIDS, nuclear proliferation, and rises in missing children.
(c) Tornadoes, earthquakes, sub-atomic particles.
(d) Bad haircuts, AIDS, cryogenics.

10. What name does Swamp Thing remember while dreaming in Book Three?
(a) Anton Leonard.
(b) George Leonard.
(c) Abby Arcane.
(d) Paul Smith.

11. What did Alan Moore do differently with Swamp Thing from Campbell's viewpoint?
(a) He rewrote the origin.
(b) He discussed philosophy.
(c) He meditated upon two new heroes.
(d) He created a different setting.

12. What did the man arrange with Woodrue in exchange for performing an autopsy/dissection of Swamp Thing?
(a) Absolution.
(b) Release from prison.
(c) An escape vehicle.
(d) 2,000 dollars.

13. How does Abby Arcane react to Swamp Thing's distress?
(a) She becomes very emotional.
(b) She becomes very logical.
(c) She doesn't say a word.
(d) She walks away.

14. What is one difference in comic book horror that distinguishes it from other genres?
(a) Duration.
(b) Usage of metaphors.
(c) Syntax.
(d) Usage of similes.

15. What is Jason Woodrue's profession?
(a) Professor.
(b) Spy.
(c) Orthopedic Surgeon.
(d) Doctor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose file does Swamp Thing read after he regenerates and reawakens?

2. What system does Woodrue take over that allows him to control doors, etc.?

3. What does Moore point out from the 1980s that he says permeated popular culture?

4. How do Swamp Thing's fingers extend?

5. What does Woodrue do with the article he takes from Swamp Thing?

(see the answer keys)

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