Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Suzanne take Nicky one day while Matt is in the city?
(a) To Matt's mother's home.
(b) To visit Suzanne's sister.
(c) To visit Suzanne's best friend.
(d) For a professional picture.

2. What had Suzanne done as she was leaving since her hands were full?
(a) Nodded at Matt.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Winked at Matt.
(d) Blown Matt a kiss.

3. What does Katie do on her train ride home?
(a) Sleeps.
(b) Mulls over her decision to give the baby up for adoption.
(c) Mulls over her decision to keep the baby.
(d) Pulls out the diary.

4. What does Matt have happen inside the church at the end of the ceremony?
(a) Matt receives a phone call from his brother in Katmandu to congratulate them.
(b) A group of his best friends sing.
(c) Matt has a blizzard of paper confetti to fall from the ceiling.
(d) A blizzard of feathers falling from the ceiling.

5. What do Matt and Suzanne do one night when they are in Nicky's room after he had awoken for a while?
(a) Discuss his college choices.
(b) Discuss taking a vacation with Nicky.
(c) Dance.
(d) Sing together to Nicky.

6. What happens in October?
(a) Matt comes back to Katie.
(b) Matt and Katie are married.
(c) Katie meets another man.
(d) Katie has her baby.

7. What does Matt think of when he is looking at Nicky's rocking horse?
(a) How Nicky would laugh as he rocked on the horse.
(b) The love that went into making the horse.
(c) That he never painted the horse.
(d) The Flying Horses carousel.

8. What had Matt promised to Katie that he would do?
(a) Take her to his son's grave.
(b) Explain his past.
(c) Take her to meet his mother.
(d) Put the past behind him.

9. Who has has accepted a poem from Matt for publication?
(a) The Atlantic Monthly.
(b) The Paris Review.
(c) The New York Times.
(d) The New Yorker.

10. Where does Katie go the day after finishing the diary?
(a) Suzanne's grave.
(b) The Vineyard.
(c) Nicky's grave.
(d) Matt's mother's house.

11. What does Suzanne's cardiologist tell her?
(a) One valve is problematic.
(b) One artery has a weak wall area.
(c) She has two weak valves.
(d) She is in good shape.

12. Where does Suzanne's jeep end up when she hits a rail?
(a) In the creek.
(b) In the other lane.
(c) Hanging over the edge of an embankment.
(d) In a lake.

13. When Katie finally tells her parents about being pregnant, what is their response?
(a) They tell Katie it is her fault.
(b) They cry with her.
(c) They are happy they will have a grandchild.
(d) They are angry at Matt.

14. What will Nicky wear for his baptism?
(a) A new christening gown made by Melanie.
(b) His new white play outfit.
(c) Nothing since he will be dipped in the baptismal font.
(d) Suzanne's christening gown.

15. How many people attend Matt and Suzanne's wedding?
(a) Suzanne does not mention that.
(b) About fifty.
(c) About thirty.
(d) It is standing room only in the church.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Suzanne recognize soon after they are married?

2. What does Matt say about Suzanne's driving in general?

3. How many children do Phil and Lynn have?

4. What do the three see at a playhouse?

5. Who does Suzanne treat in the ER one day?

(see the answer keys)

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