Sula Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sula Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of prescription does Sula need?
(a) Pain killers
(b) Mood elevators
(c) Antibiotics
(d) anti-inflammatories

2. Who does Sula have an affair with?
(a) Nel
(b) Tar Baby
(c) BoyBoy
(d) Jude

3. Whose funeral begins the chapter?
(a) Nel's
(b) Sula's
(c) Eva's
(d) Jude's

4. Who is immediately upset with Sula over not contacting her in a long time?
(a) Nel
(b) Shadrack
(c) Eva
(d) Pearl

5. Sula says she may be __________, but she has lived a full life.
(a) A crazy woman
(b) Sick
(c) Going down
(d) A bad person

6. What do the marchers on National Suicide Day begin to do to the tunnel?
(a) Build it
(b) Block it off
(c) Paint it
(d) Destroy it

7. What does Sula threaten she will do to Eva?
(a) Leave her
(b) Drown her
(c) Burn her
(d) Cut her

8. What does Nel feel Eva is?
(a) Just like Sula
(b) A crazy old bat
(c) Evil and spiteful
(d) Full of good intentions

9. Who has been arrested for causing an accident, according to Sula's visitor from #139?
(a) Tar Baby
(b) Ajax
(c) The Deweys
(d) BoyBoy

10. Where does Sula's visitor (as named in #139) head to when he leaves?
(a) Toledo
(b) Cincinnati
(c) Dayton
(d) Cleveland

11. What kind of role does the groom feel he will have when he marries Nel?
(a) A submissive role
(b) A manly role
(c) A dominant role
(d) A society accepted role

12. What is Eva's foot stuffed into?
(a) A mitten
(b) A bandage
(c) A slipper
(d) A pillow

13. Sula returns to Medallion accompanied by a plague of __________.
(a) Robins
(b) Ticks
(c) Fleas
(d) Mosquitoes

14. Sula has Eva _________.
(a) Committed
(b) Deported
(c) Killed
(d) Disgraced

15. Does Nel think she feels bad about Chicken Little's death?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) She is nearly suicidal with guilt
(d) She's not sure

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nel visit on the way home?

2. Who is building big hoses on the hills?

3. Who is ringing the bell as the tunnel collapses?

4. What does Sula ask of Nel?

5. Where does Nel get married?

(see the answer keys)

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