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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Laura go when she attempts to kill herself?
2. Who told the man who saved Naomi to wait to tell his story?
3. Who becomes Bapu's daughter-in-law?
4. What is one diagnosis Laura receives?
5. Who is Naomi's youngest sister?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Karthik eventually build a career around?
2. What do people eventually begin to think of Bapu in the last years of her life?
3. What does Naomi know about the circumstances of her own birth?
4. Why does Florida weep when recounting her education?
5. What does Laura feel for the first time in a very long time following her suicide attempt?
6. What topic is Naomi very passionate about?
7. What does Laura Delano think of herself when Aviv first introduces her in Part IV?
8. What does Naomi's family begin to notice about her after the birth of her twins?
9. What does Naomi do after being in "segregation" for a while?
10. How does Aviv describe Florida, Naomi's mother?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Why do you think Aviv spends significant time exploring how Bapu's extended family react to her mental health crises? Write an essay explaining your answers, citing specific references to the text to help support your conclusions.
Essay Topic 2
Why does Laura Delano, as well as some other people struggling with mental health challenges that Aviv mentions in the book, ultimately decide to go off their medications entirely? Write an essay explaining your answers, citing specific references to the text to help support your conclusions.
Essay Topic 3
How does Aviv explain Ray Osheroff's growing challenges and struggles with his mental health? Write an essay explaining your answers, citing specific references to the text to help support your conclusions.
This section contains 510 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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