Strangers on a Train Test | Final Test - Easy

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Strangers on a Train Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What city does Guy think about visiting for a couple of weeks?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Toronto.
(c) Milan.
(d) New Orleans.

2. Why does Bruno tell Gerard he wants to get back home?
(a) Dinner is waiting for him.
(b) He has an appointment.
(c) His mother is ill.
(d) He has to make a phonecall.

3. Who does does Gerard say he talked to on the train Bruno and Guy were traveling on together?
(a) Bruno's porter.
(b) The ticket collector.
(c) The train driver.
(d) The waiter who served them.

4. What does Guy nail his sins to when Anne asks him what the matter is?
(a) His claustrophobia.
(b) His work.
(c) His father.
(d) His diet.

5. What does Guy say is the only type of person that would inform on him?
(a) A bull.
(b) A grass snake.
(c) A rat.
(d) A stool pigeon.

6. What does Guy's face sting like as he makes his way towards the filling station?
(a) A mask of cuts.
(b) An open wound.
(c) A hat of nails.
(d) A broken bone.

7. Where does Guy talk to Owen?
(a) In his house.
(b) In a cafe.
(c) In a hotel room.
(d) In a restaurant.

8. Where does Guy tell Gerard he met Guy?
(a) At the Parker Art Institute.
(b) At the Modern Art Museum.
(c) At work.
(d) At college.

9. Where does Guy tell Anne he was in March?
(a) London.
(b) His mother's house.
(c) Mexico City.
(d) Out of town.

10. Who does Guy feel he can never hug again?
(a) HIs children.
(b) Bruno.
(c) His mother.
(d) Anne.

11. What newspaper has the longest account of the murder?
(a) The City Chronicle.
(b) The New York Post.
(c) The New York Times.
(d) The Journal-American.

12. What does Bruno admit to Guy he has never felt?
(a) Happiness.
(b) Love.
(c) Desperation.
(d) Hate.

13. What city is Peter Wriggs from?
(a) New Orleans.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) Memphis.
(d) San Francisco.

14. What does Guy think is the only thing that makes Anne touch him?
(a) Insanity.
(b) Pity.
(c) Fear.
(d) Habit.

15. What does Howland suggest Gerrad does at the end of chapter 43?
(a) Take a vacation.
(b) Get drunk.
(c) Take a running jump.
(d) Get a woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Anne's bird?

2. What does Bruno send in thanks for Guy putting him up in the spare room?

3. Who does Guy say he forsook during the murder?

4. What does Guy stare at on Gerard's cheek?

5. What is the first thing that Guy designs for Horton, Horton and Keese?

(see the answer keys)

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