Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which university were the four Black freshman from who started the original lunch-counter sit-in at Woolworth's in 1960?
(a) Bowling Green University.
(b) North Carolina A and T.
(c) University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
(d) University of Alabama.

2. Who immigrated from Germany to America in 1886 because of anti-Jewish persecution in Chapter 15?
(a) Franz Boas.
(b) Albert Einstein.
(c) Nikola Tesla.
(d) Marshall Michbein.

3. What was the period in history following the Civil War in the U.S. called?
(a) Reconstruction.
(b) Reveling.
(c) Rebooting.
(d) Refinancing.

4. Which president urged Congress to implement a civil rights act in 1948?
(a) Bill Clinton.
(b) Harry Truman.
(c) Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
(d) George H.W. Bush.

5. What did Andrew Johnson do to a lot of Lincoln's promises?
(a) Altered them and made them his own to the benefit of Blacks.
(b) Reversed them.
(c) Built on them.
(d) Reinstated slavery as legal in all states.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wrote a biography of John Brown?

2. Which conflict happened during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

3. What famous speech did Martin Luther King Jr. deliver at the close of the March on Washington?

4. Who did Du Bois ask to come speak at Atlanta University, where he was teaching, in 1906?

5. Which of the following was one of Abraham Lincoln's monikers?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which film did President Woodrow Wilson screen at the White House, and how did it portray Black people?

2. What did the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 rule?

3. Who was the most famous Black man in America in the early 1900s, and what did he symbolize to Black people?

4. What was the first legislation that Lyndon Baines Johnson wanted passed following President John F. Kennedy's assassination?

5. Which politician did Richard Nixon model his run for the presidency from, and why?

6. What do Reynolds and Kendi say is the most effective piece of antiracist legislation ever passed by the U.S. Congress?

7. What happened when President Harry Truman urged Congress to pass a civil rights act in 1948?

8. What happened to many slaves who fled from the South to the North to join the Union army during the Civil War?

9. How did Angela Davis feel about the teachings of Malcolm X?

10. What do Reynolds and Kendi say that Black people were doing even as Lincoln was labeled the Great Emancipator?

(see the answer keys)

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