Squeeze Me Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Squeeze Me Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Angie visit Pruitt's apartment in Chapter Nineteen?
(a) To ask him to drop the charges against her.
(b) To have dinner with him and make amends.
(c) To find out if he is the one releasing the pythons.
(d) To stop him from harassing her stepson Joel.

2. What does one of Mastodon's mistresses from the West Coast demand for her silence every time she flies into D.C.?
(a) A fireworks display.
(b) Secret Service protection.
(c) A new car.
(d) $100,000.

3. Who insinuates to Mockingbird that she knows about Mockingbird's affair?
(a) Martha Rose.
(b) Jerry Crosby.
(c) Spalding.
(d) Fay Alex Riptoad.

4. Who wanted to bring a Chinese spy to the Commander's Ball in Chapter Nineteen?
(a) Mitchell Frink.
(b) Markinson Lee.
(c) Frederick Hollins.
(d) Stanleigh Cobo.

5. Why does Alexandria call Angie in Chapter Sixteen?
(a) So she can remove a squirrel from her riding boot.
(b) So she can remove a python from the horse farm.
(c) So she can remove a raccoon from the house.
(d) She she can remove an eagle from the barn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What rumor about Mockingbird does Fay Alex Riptoad tell the rest of the Potussies in Chapter Twenty-three?

2. Who is Mastodon supposed to sing a duet with at the Commander's Ball?

3. Why does one co-worker risk his life to get the one unsullied box of food from the truck in Chapter Eighteen for Mastodon?

4. What does Ryskamp tell Mockingbird he will get for her?

5. What does Mastodon eat every night?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Angie begin dating in Part III and how does she feel about this development?

2. Who does Angie think ambushed her on one of her jobs in Part III, destroying her truck?

3. What kind of plan does Angie have to ensnare Uric?

4. What does Angie do to send a very clear message to Pruitt to stop him from harassing Joel and his girlfriend?

5. What is the mysterious man in the swamp using his empty eye socket for?

6. Why do the Potussies get Secret Service protection in Part III?

7. How does Uric Burns feel after killing Prince Paladin?

8. Why does The Knob become unable to test the tanning bed for Mastodon?

9. What job does Christian have, and why is Angie not interested in him romantically?

10. Where is Kiki buried and what is her funeral service like?

(see the answer keys)

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