Soul Catcher Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Soul Catcher Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Charles congratulates David, of what animal does Charles begin to speak?

2. What is Hobuhet's occupation?

3. Who organizes the search party?

4. What two things did Charles come to believe he was composed of?

5. What does David compare Charles to as they walk through the woods when David is first kidnapped?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Katsuk's mood swings in Section 10. Are they different than in earlier sections? If so, how? What does this say about Katsuk and his decline into total madness?

2. How and why does David test Katsuk when they hear helicopters flying overhead in Section 5? What is Katsuk's response?

3. To what does Charles compare Native American myth in one of his college anthropology papers? What do you think is his purpose in doing so?

4. In Section 1, why does Charles say he kidnapped David? What does he intend to do with the boy?

5. After the storm, what happened at Katsuk's relatives' camp? Why do the relatives feel this happened? What do they give Katsuk as a peace offering?

6. Katsuk is longing for a sign from the spirits. How does he feel about David's spirit dream? Why? What does Katsuk take as a sign, and what does he do once he has received that sign?

7. The author uses a curious method of opening the story. Outline that method and what you think it does for the introduction?

8. Why do you think David tries to get Katsuk to run away? We now see that the bond between the two is even stronger than first thought. Why doesn't David run to the rescuers instead of encouraging Katsuk to run away with him?

9. What methods does David use in an effort to help guide the rescuers toward him?

10. In the final part of Section 4, how does Charles transform, and what does he feel about himself after the transformation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Katsuk has a ritual sacrifice ceremony planned when he kidnaps David. What is the importance of David in this ritual? Does David's importance change as Katsuk becomes closer to David? Why or why not? What other items are important in the ritual and why?

Essay Topic 2

The hallucination Charles has at the end of Section 2 is a foreshadowing of things to come. What is the hallucination? What event does it foreshadow? Do you think that this is the beginning of his insanity, or do you think that happens at another point? Why? If you think it happened at another point, when do you think it happened, and what evidence can you give to support your theory?

Essay Topic 3

Imagery is an important part of the story. The setting is a stunningly beautiful and impressive natural wonderland. The author is very descriptive, drawing the reader into the cold and damp, the broken and bleeding victims of a poacher, and the absolutely breathtaking scenery. Perhaps the most important of these is Section 6 where the author uses more vivid adjectives, not simply describing a sunset as "rich," but as "molten," for example. What does the more vivid imagery add to the story? What does it add to this section? Why do you think the author chooses to express himself in this manner at this point?

(see the answer keys)

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