Son Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item does Alys remove from the bottom of her trunk so that Claire may smell its scent?
(a) A bouquet of beach roses.
(b) A bouquet of sunflowers.
(c) A bouquet of chrysanthemums.
(d) A bouquet of dandelions.

2. What reason does Claire give for refusing to leave the village by boat?
(a) The inlet does not go out into the sea.
(b) She does not know anything about sailing.
(c) She is terrified of the sea.
(d) She relishes the challenge of climbing the cliff.

3. What is the only way to escape the village's boundaries once the winding path up the cliff ends?
(a) One must scale the sheer rock wall.
(b) One must call upon the Trademaster for help.
(c) One must sacrifice the life of a living animal.
(d) One must pray to the heavens for mercy.

4. How many rocks does Einar have Claire add to her sack each day before she runs the hillside path?
(a) Ten.
(b) One.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

5. Since giving birth to Bethan six years ago, how many children has Bryn lost before birth?
(a) Four.
(b) One.
(c) Two.
(d) Three.

6. What is NOT one of the signs listed among the signs that Alys's health is declining?
(a) She walks very slowly.
(b) Her memory begins to fail her.
(c) Her eyesight dims.
(d) She is increasingly bent over.

7. What objects does Claire use to stop the bleeding of her wound?
(a) Herb salve and leaves.
(b) Rope and a strip of leather.
(c) Her shirt and herb salve.
(d) A strip of leather, some seaweed, and her signalling rock.

8. What do the villagers call the act of leaving the village?
(a) Self-exile.
(b) Exiting.
(c) Climbing out.
(d) Quitting.

9. What item does Claire inadvertently lose during her climb out?
(a) The water gourd.
(b) One glove.
(c) The rock for signalling Einar.
(d) The herb salve.

10. Who had kept Einar's father from flinging his infant body into the fire on the day of Einar's birth?
(a) Old Benedikt.
(b) Tall Andras.
(c) Alys.
(d) Bryn.

11. What object does Claire tell Einar she will throw from the top of the cliff to let him know she has succeeded?
(a) A rock wrapped in red cloth.
(b) A rock wrapped in birch leaves.
(c) A rock wrapped in plaid cloth.
(d) A rock wrapped in seaweed.

12. What does Einar mean when he tells Claire that he had been a wife to his father "in other ways too terrible to mention"? (206).
(a) His father had sexually abused him.
(b) He had cleaned the house for his father.
(c) He had cooked for his father.
(d) He had arranged social activities for his father.

13. In what material does Alys wrap Claire after rubbing her dry with a rough cloth?
(a) Muslin.
(b) Wool.
(c) Deerskin.
(d) Cotton.

14. How many sit-ups does Einar tell Claire to do every day?
(a) 80.
(b) 50.
(c) 100.
(d) 30.

15. For how many years does Clare train with Einar before she climbs out?
(a) Two.
(b) Six.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

Short Answer Questions

1. What pieces of clothing does Alys stitch from an animal hide so that Claire can keep warm in the winter?

2. Bethan suggests that the three girls should stop including a baby in their pretending games due to what reason?

3. Alys and Old Benedikt tell Tall Andras that Claire cannot be wed until what condition is met?

4. To whom does Einar's father send Einar when his arm is broken after his fall from the fishing boat's mast?

5. What does Alys give Claire to help her with her climb?

(see the answer keys)

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