Something Wicked This Way Comes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Something Wicked This Way Comes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What celebration is happening in a week's time?
(a) Halloween
(b) Thanksgiving
(c) New Years
(d) Christmas

2. What does Jim tell his mother he never wants?
(a) A wife
(b) A father
(c) A house
(d) Children

3. What do people see through the window of the fifth house?
(a) People playing poker
(b) People kissing
(c) People undressing
(d) People taking drugs

4. What does Mr. Dark give Will and Jim?
(a) Free tickets
(b) A t-shirt
(c) Chocolate
(d) A poster

5. What street do William and James live on?
(a) York Street
(b) Opiate Street
(c) Oak Street
(d) Elm Street

6. How does Will describe his father's mood?
(a) Happy
(b) Miserable
(c) Estatic
(d) Sad

7. Who is Miss Foley searching for?
(a) Her sister
(b) Her boyfriend
(c) Her nephew
(d) Her mother

8. Who gets off the train first?
(a) A drawf in a dark suit
(b) A tall man in a colorful suit
(c) A short naked man
(d) A tall man in a dark suit

9. Who does the dwarf look like?
(a) Mrs. Halloway
(b) Mr. Fury
(c) Miss Foley
(d) Mr. Tetley

10. What does Jim's mother want Jim to do before he leaves her?
(a) Give her money
(b) Make her laugh
(c) Buy her a present
(d) Say goodbye

11. Who does the bag belong to?
(a) Mr. Tetley
(b) Miss Foley
(c) Mr. Halloway
(d) Mr. Fury

12. Where is Charles Halloway when he sees Jim and Will run by?
(a) Home
(b) The library
(c) The saloon
(d) His mother's house

13. Who does Chapter 3 focus on?
(a) Will
(b) Jim
(c) Charles Halloway
(d) Mr. Dark

14. What does Will think being good involves?
(a) Not smoking
(b) Being happy
(c) Believing in God
(d) Having a family

15. Where does Will hide at Miss Foley's house?
(a) A tree
(b) Long grass
(c) A bush
(d) A wine cellar

Short Answer Questions

1. How do women ensure their immortality?

2. What month does the novel begin in?

3. What do Will and Jim trip over as they leave the carnival?

4. What does Mr. Fury see banging on the shop window?

5. What disappointing thing happens to children in September?

(see the answer keys)

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