Somebody's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ashley C. Ford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Somebody's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ashley C. Ford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, what does Ford realize that forgetting her own pain in the service of is sometimes worth it for?
(a) Allowing her mother to make jokes at her expense.
(b) Being able to stay in school.
(c) Not being as poor as the family could be.
(d) Not giving away secrets to the rest of the family.

2. In Chapter 6, what is a favorite game Ford plays with her mother?
(a) Volleyball.
(b) A game they made up called "I'm Not Your Mother."
(c) Baseball.
(d) Monopoly.

3. What does Ford's mother suffer through in Chapter 7 that leaves her despondent?
(a) A stillbirth.
(b) The death of her father.
(c) The death of her sister.
(d) A car accident.

4. In Chapter 11, what is the easiest way for a child to lose a seat at the adult table?
(a) Sing.
(b) Speak.
(c) Get angry.
(d) Laugh.

5. Why does Ford's mother blame herself for her baby's death in Chapter 7?
(a) She smoked during pregnancy.
(b) She did not want to be pregnant in the first place, and feels as if the baby's death is a punishment.
(c) She had a vision that the baby would not be healthy beforehand and did not act on it.
(d) She did not pray enough for the baby's wellbeing.

6. What is one way Ford has stayed at least a little bit connected to her father over the years?
(a) Writing letters to him.
(b) Drawing sketches of him.
(c) Calling him.
(d) Sending him tapes.

7. What is the name of Ford's half-sibling in Chapter 7?
(a) James.
(b) Darrell.
(c) Michael.
(d) Henry.

8. In Chapter 8, why does Ford's mother beat her?
(a) Ford talked too much about her father.
(b) Her teacher calls Ford's mother to tell her Ford was saying inappropriate things.
(c) Ford stole food from the refrigerator.
(d) She thinks Ford stole money.

9. What does Ford see in church and wonder about with her grandmother?
(a) People speaking in tongues.
(b) A cross.
(c) A picture of Mary.
(d) A picture of Joseph.

10. What does Ford's grandfather eat in Chapter 10?
(a) A bear.
(b) A snake.
(c) A bug.
(d) A frog.

11. How does Grandma Billie wear her hair?
(a) Straight and sleek.
(b) In an afro.
(c) She does not have hair due to an illness, so she wears wigs.
(d) In a different style every day.

12. What does Ford do every Saturday with her grandmother in Chapter 7?
(a) Go to the movies.
(b) Go to the library.
(c) Go to the grocery store.
(d) Go to painting class.

13. In Chapter 5, what does Ford realize her mother never does?
(a) Sing.
(b) Work.
(c) Apologize.
(d) Eat.

14. In Chapter 5, what does Ford think her mother sometimes needs her to do as a child?
(a) Go to the store for her.
(b) Disappear.
(c) Be loud.
(d) Make money.

15. What does Ford's younger brother sometimes call her when he is a toddler?
(a) Bash.
(b) Ash.
(c) Hashy.
(d) Fluffy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Ford's first grade teacher?

2. Who does Ford think she sees during a dream as a child in Chapter 4?

3. Who is Ford's father's closest brother?

4. What happens to Ford on New Year's Eve in Chapter 11?

5. What is Ford convinced her mother will do if she thinks someone else has abused her?

(see the answer keys)

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