Solaris Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Solaris Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was Solaris first discovered?

2. Why does Sartorius agree to come out?

3. What does Snow say about Kelvin's arrival?

4. What does Kelvin look for in the library?

5. Who was the first scientist to have a visitor?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Sartorius, Snow, and Kelvin cover the cameras on their videophones?

2. Describe the view of Solaris that Kelvin first sees from his room.

3. Why does Snow say the Polytherian forms are so dangerous?

4. What is Gibarian's reaction to the eerie sound of footsteps echoing through the station?

5. What aspect of clothing does Rheya have in common with the apparition Kelvin saw enter Gibarian's room?

6. Why does Kelvin blame himself for Rheya's death?

7. Describe the change in light between a red-sun day and a blue-sun day on Solaris.

8. Describe the person Kelvin is shocked to see go into Gibarian's room.

9. Who do the records say took The Little Apocrypha out of the library?

10. What is Snow's reaction when Kelvin admits that he has had his first visitor?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Kelvin has complex emotions about the original Rheya, and these emotions are further complicated by the appearance of a new, duplicate Rheya. Kelvin first destroys one Rheya in a panic, and then wants to save the next. What does Kelvin really want? Discuss Kelvin's ambivalent feelings toward Rheya.

1) How do Kelvin's feelings of guilt and love for the first Rheya affect his attitude to the duplicate Rheyas?

2) Is it possible for Kelvin to distinguish his feelings for the Rheya of Solaris from his feelings for and memories of the original Rheya?

3) On a fundamental level, does Kelvin want Rheya to be there, or does he not want her to be there?

Essay Topic 2

Throughout the history of Solaris in the novel, Solarists have had multiple theories about the nature of Solaris' ocean. Discuss the nature of Solaris' ocean.

1) What are various theories that exist about Solaris' ocean, and why are there so many theories?

2) What is the most plausible theory of Solaris' ocean, based on the events and information in the novel?

3) Is it possible to understand the nature of Solaris' ocean?

Essay Topic 3

At a sub-molecular level, Rheya is not human. Yet, on a normal level, Rheya is indistinguishable from a human being. Discuss Rheya's status as a person.

1) Is it possible that Rheya has no real "thought" process and is merely mimicking the behavior of a sentient creature? How would Kelvin know?

2) Should Rheya be treated as a person, with the rights and privileges of a human being? To what extent is she a person?

3) Could Rheya know if her thought process was fundamentally completely different from others', as long as her actions were human-like, and would it matter?

(see the answer keys)

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