Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does it take Lily's feet to heal in the mountains?
(a) Almost a month.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Six days.
(d) One year.

2. What is one of the things that Lily's mother tells her not to do while she is pregnant with her first child?
(a) Don't drink tea.
(b) Don't sit for too long.
(c) Don't eat rice.
(d) Don't climb hills.

3. What taboo do Lily and Snow Flower break?
(a) Staying outside all day.
(b) Eating spicy food when they are pregnant.
(c) Washing in the river water.
(d) Creating a laotong match between their unmatching daughters.

4. Who do Snow Flower and Lily help up the steep mountain when they have to flee the town?
(a) Snow Flower's baby.
(b) Snow Flower's mother-in-law.
(c) A elderly neighbor.
(d) A pregnant woman.

5. What would Snow Flower's husband do if Snow Flower went to live with Lily?
(a) Wish her well.
(b) Kill her.
(c) Feel sad, but then get over it.
(d) Ask her to come home.

6. What happens to the women whose bound feet break as they walk up the mountain?
(a) They get a ride in a cart.
(b) They are carried up the mountain in a stretcher.
(c) They must be brought back down the mountain.
(d) They are left to die.

7. What does Uncle Lu have on his face that he likes to play with?
(a) Mole hairs.
(b) Beard.
(c) Long eyebrow hair.
(d) Mustache.

8. What does Lily burn from the flame of an oil lamp?
(a) Her own letter.
(b) Snow Flower's letter.
(c) Her collection of poetry.
(d) Nu shu writing from her mother-in-law.

9. How long does Lily walk with Snow Flower and her family when battles erupt between the government and rebel forces?
(a) Twenty-four hours.
(b) Ten hours.
(c) Two hours.
(d) Thirty-six hours.

10. What does Lily do to Snow Flower when she loses control of her emotions at the Sitting and Singing ceremony of her neighbor?
(a) She humiliates Snow Flower.
(b) Hugs her.
(c) Kneels before her in appreciation.
(d) Pushes her out of her chair.

11. Who is Peony?
(a) Lily's cousin.
(b) Snow Flower's granddaughter.
(c) A farmer's daughter.
(d) A servant.

12. What does Lily realize the purpose of nu shu is in "Sons"?
(a) To please mothers-in-law.
(b) To give women something to do.
(c) To cover up their laziness.
(d) To give women a voice.

13. Who does Lily go in search of while in the mountains?
(a) Her parents.
(b) Her brother and sister.
(c) Madame Wang.
(d) Snow Flower's son.

14. What does Lily see outside the palanquin window as she travels between her natal and husband's home in "Temple of Gupo"?
(a) Rice fields and taro crop.
(b) Fields of sunflowers.
(c) The ocean.
(d) A lake.

15. What are days of mothering referred to?
(a) Baby nursing days.
(b) Mother love days.
(c) Rice-and-salt days.
(d) Diaper changing days.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do women in pairs look for in the woods to make soup for Snow Flower?

2. What is Snow Flower's appearance when Lily visits her in "Into the Clouds"?

3. Why does Lily approve her husband's decision to hire a tutor for their son?

4. Who comes to Lily's door asking her to go to Snow Flower because she is dying?

5. When Lily returns to her family after Snow Flower is married, how does she feel about seeing them?

(see the answer keys)

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