Smokescreen Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Smokescreen Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Link categorize the art in Roderick Hodge's apartment?
(a) Ultra-simple abstract.
(b) Impressionist.
(c) Dada.
(d) Neo-classical.

2. What does Link find in his pocket that he deems useless in his situation in the car?
(a) Gum.
(b) His passport.
(c) Money.
(d) An address book.

3. What material is used to blast the rock in Rojedda Reef?
(a) C-4.
(b) Pentrite.
(c) Dynagel.
(d) Nitroglycerine.

4. How does Melanie describe schooling for black Africans?
(a) Private.
(b) Compulsory.
(c) Substandard.
(d) Language-oriented.

5. How does Link describe his character's weeping in Man in Car?
(a) Futile.
(b) Plastic.
(c) Faux.
(d) In extremis.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Link been in the car when Evan Pentelow and Conrad rescue him?

2. What is on the windows that gives Link some relief when he is trapped in the hot car?

3. What do Evan Pentelow and Conrad give Link to drink?

4. What does Link feel is breaking in his body when he tries to move?

5. What color are the walls painted in the mine?

Short Essay Questions

1. How had Conrad and Evan Pentelow discovered that Link was actually missing and what had they initially thought about his absence?

2. What does Link say to Roderick Hodge about his brush with death in the gold mine and how does he respond?

3. Why can't Link escape from the handcuffs?

4. What happens when Conrad and Evan Pentelow are loading up the station wagon for Kruger Park and how does Link help?

5. Describe the light packs the party uses to go into the mine.

6. Why does Roderick Hodge try to bounce Melanie back into seduction mode after her political spiel and what do Melanie's instincts tell her to do?

7. What is the first objective observation Link makes when he finds himself trapped in the car?

8. How does Haagner try to comply with Evan Pentelow's demands and what does Link think of the situation?

9. How does Conrad free Link from the handcuffs?

10. What is the difference, according to Pieter Losenwoldt, between the way gold is extracted in South Africa and how it is extracted in California and Alaska.

(see the answer keys)

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