Smitten Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Smitten Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Matt's nickname for Lizabeth?
(a) Bethie.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Sweetheart.
(d) Lizzy.

2. When did the inspection sticker on Lizabeth's car expire?
(a) It hadn't.
(b) Three years prior.
(c) Two years prior.
(d) One year prior.

3. What is the name of Matt's sister who used to cook him bacon?
(a) Alice.
(b) Mary Ann.
(c) Tammy.
(d) Jean.

4. What does Lizabeth intend to do with the dog once he returns home?
(a) Keep him on a leash.
(b) Give him away.
(c) Keep him in the house at all times.
(d) Send him to obedience school.

5. Where did the intruder get the idea to hang out in Lizabeth's back yard?
(a) From a movie.
(b) From his wife.
(c) From a romance novel.
(d) From her ex-husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Matt refuse to watch the movie?

2. What does Lizabeth notice in the neighbor's crab apple tree?

3. Who does Matt say tackled him when he ran out of the house naked?

4. What do the furniture people do with Lizabeth's double bed?

5. What did Matt do when he graduated from high school?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Richard Hastings find out about Lizabeth, and why does he choose to flash her?

2. When Lizabeth and Matt finally get home from their jog at 2 a.m., they find Elsie and the boys in the front yard. Describe their time with Paul. What was the end result?

3. What happens while Matt is cooking breakfast in Chapter 8?

4. In fairly typical romance-novel fashion, the story wraps up with Matt and Lizabeth marrying and living happily ever after. Given the short time they've known each other and the tumultuous relationship they have had up to that point, how believable do you find the story? If you find it quite believable, why? What is it about the genre that makes it so popular, and how does that apply to this book?

5. What makes "Smitten" a typical romance novel?

6. What was Paul's ulterior motive for wanting to take the kids on a vacation?

7. A comic moment takes place in Chapter 8 when Matt tackles the man he thinks is the flasher. Why did Matt tackle the man, and who is he?

8. There is an obvious use of irony in Chapter 9 when Richard Hastings makes a particular statement. What is that statement, and why is it ironic?

9. Lizabeth comes to terms with the fact that she was wrong about Matt and his profession. What is this revelation, and how does it change her opinion about him?

10. At the barbecue, Ferguson steals the ham and runs off. Describe what happens next.

(see the answer keys)

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