Skin Tight Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skin Tight Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mick have Dr. Graveline's financial assets frozen?
(a) So Mick can prove his strength.
(b) So he can't leave town.
(c) So Mick can watch his accounts.
(d) So he can't do anymore bribes.

2. Who gets upset with Mick for tampering with evidence?
(a) His sister.
(b) Al.
(c) Willie.
(d) Christine.

3. Why does Willie get his own television show?
(a) Because Christine helps him.
(b) Because Reynaldo left his show to Willie.
(c) Because of his footage of Dr. Graveline.
(d) Because of his letter to Fox.

4. Why is Dr. Graveline unable to use the wood chipper on Reynaldo?
(a) The wood chipper is broken.
(b) Reynaldo is too large to fit in the wood chipper.
(c) He is too far away from the wood chipper.
(d) His brother George is dead.

5. What does Reynaldo, pretending to be Johnny LeTigre, tell Dr. Graveline he wants fixed instead of his mole?
(a) His nose and abdomen.
(b) His abdomen and facial skin.
(c) His chin and facial skin.
(d) His nose and chin.

6. Where does Mick leave a note inviting Maggie and Chemo to a party at his house?
(a) Under Chemo's weed wacker.
(b) On the windshield of Chemo's car.
(c) In Maggie's mailbox.
(d) At Dr. Graveline's house.

7. How does Maggie die?
(a) In a fire.
(b) In a car accident.
(c) In a riot.
(d) In her sleep.

8. Where does Chemo want to go with Dr. Graveline's bribe money?
(a) Dominican Republic.
(b) Barbados.
(c) Jamaica.
(d) Mexico.

9. Why is Willie the person to ask Dr. Graveline if he killed Victoria?
(a) Because Dr. Graveline trusts him.
(b) Because Christine told him to.
(c) Because Reynaldo is sedated.
(d) Because Reynaldo told him to.

10. What does Chemo want to do to get Maggie's tape from Mick?
(a) Bribe Mick.
(b) Steal it from Mick.
(c) Sue Mick.
(d) Kill Mick.

11. Why does Commissioner Roberto Pepsical arrange to bribe detectives Murdock and Salazar?
(a) To write a false confession.
(b) To get rid of Mick.
(c) To get re-elected.
(d) To get a police endorsement.

12. Why does Chemo decide to tie up Christine in his hotel room?
(a) To use her to get Mick to come over.
(b) Because Maggie told him to.
(c) Because he was bored.
(d) To keep her from yelling.

13. How fast are Murdock and Salazar traveling as they ride up the channel near Old Rhodes Key?
(a) They are idling.
(b) About thirty miles per hour.
(c) Twenty miles per hour.
(d) Over forty miles per hour.

14. How does Mick plan to get Dr. Graveline to admit what he did to Victoria?
(a) Mick plans to bribe Dr. Graveline.
(b) Mick plans on doing a nose job on Dr. Graveline.
(c) Mick plans on showing Dr. Graveline Maggie's tape.
(d) Mick plans on tying Dr. Graveline up.

15. How does Commissioner Pepsical die?
(a) Poison.
(b) Lethal injection.
(c) Gunshot.
(d) Strangling.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Dr. Graveline ask to kill the nine members of the commission?

2. What does the letter say that Mick writes to Victoria's parents?

3. How much money does the hospital pay for Reynaldo's corpse?

4. Who is Mick looking for when he interrupts Reynaldo with a woman in Chapter 27?

5. How do Murdock and Salazar learn that Mick is at Old Rhodes Key?

(see the answer keys)

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