Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What have the Hittites done with the jars sold to them by the merchants of Egypt?
(a) They have brought water into the desert so they can survive there for quite a while.
(b) They hang them in the sun in honor of Aton.
(c) They are preserving fish in salt and water.
(d) The use them as weapons, cutting people with them.

2. What does Horemheb think is the cornerstone of the holy war?
(a) Gaza.
(b) Egypt.
(c) Memphis.
(d) Crete.

3. What happens to the land of Mitanni in the end?
(a) They are invaded and wiped out by the Hittites.
(b) It thrives after the Hittites invade.
(c) It conquers the Hittites.
(d) It is absorbed into Babylon.

4. Who does Princess Ankhsenaton break the jar with who will be the next king?
(a) Thothmes.
(b) Tut.
(c) Sinuhe.
(d) Horemheb.

5. What gift does Horemheb give to Roju?
(a) A ring made of a large ruby.
(b) A wrist band made of silver.
(c) A crown made of silver and gold.
(d) A chain of green precious stones set in gold and enamel and a golden whip.

6. When Kaptah and Sinuhe get to the opening in the cave where the sea enters, what do they find?
(a) A priest.
(b) Minea alive.
(c) Minotaurus.
(d) A dead colossal bull.

7. How does MInea dance in the competition once she reaches Crete?
(a) She dances dangerously.
(b) She dances better than anyone else.
(c) She dances happily.
(d) She appears out of practice.

8. What does Pepitamon do to find favor with Pharaoh Ahknaton?
(a) Writes poetry to Aton.
(b) Brings a sacrifice to Aton.
(c) Names his cats after the pharaoh.
(d) Changes his name to Pepitaton.

9. How quickly does Akhetaton, the city, come into being?
(a) In a month.
(b) In a year.
(c) In two years.
(d) In 18 months.

10. While Sinuhe is in Akhetaton, where is Horemheb?
(a) Thebes.
(b) Syria.
(c) Memphis.
(d) Crete.

11. What is the custom of marriage in Egypt?
(a) To break a jar between the man and the woman.
(b) To read a poem to Aton.
(c) To be joined by a priest.
(d) To exchange rings of gold.

12. What has Kaptah always wanted to do with his life?
(a) Be a warrior.
(b) Be an innkeeper.
(c) Be a servant.
(d) Be a merchant.

13. How does Sinuhe describe his life in Akhetaton?
(a) Like a lovely, fading song.
(b) Like the desert, lost in time.
(c) Like the sun rising every morning.
(d) Like a bird floating on the air.

14. What do the Hitites use spears and flags for in the holy war?
(a) To identify their battalion.
(b) To identify Aziru's troops in the battle groups.
(c) To identify them at Hittites.
(d) To mark the weakest points in the defenses.

15. Who is Minea related to?
(a) Servants.
(b) The ship captain.
(c) Minos.
(d) Minotauros.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Sinuhe meet at Kaptah's favorite tavern when he returns to Egypt?

2. Why does Thothmes die?

3. After the death of Akhnaton, how is the new pharaoh received by the people?

4. Who does Kaptah hire as a servant when the men return to Egypt?

5. What does Minotauros wear on his head?

(see the answer keys)

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