Silas Marner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silas Marner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dunsey blackmails his brother with what information in Chapter 3?
(a) Violence against his brother.
(b) His desire to marry Nancy Lammeter.
(c) His debts.
(d) His marriage to Molly Farren.

2. What does Godfrey decide to do while waiting for Dunsey to sell Wildfire?
(a) Visit Nancy Lammeter.
(b) Go to the Rainbow.
(c) Get some sleep.
(d) Go to see a play.

3. Why does Silas Marner suspect Jem Rodney of stealing his gold?
(a) He has visited Silas Marner often.
(b) He is a known poacher and disreputable.
(c) He saw Jem sneaking around his house.
(d) He heard Jem planning to take the gold.

4. Who are Bryce and Keating?
(a) A pair of actors.
(b) Two men attending the hunt with Dunsey.
(c) Two merchants.
(d) Dunsey’s two best friends.

5. Where is Silas Marner when Dunsey stole his gold?
(a) In the next town over.
(b) At the Rainbow.
(c) 100 yards away coming back from the village.
(d) At Nancy Lammeter’s house.

6. Where does Silas Marner hide his gold?
(a) In the coal box.
(b) Buried under a tree.
(c) In the attic.
(d) Under his floor.

7. Who is Godfrey Cass in love with?
(a) Molly Farren.
(b) Molly Pitcher.
(c) Nancy Lammeter.
(d) Sarah of Lantern Yard.

8. After Sarah left Silas, how long was it before she married William Dane?
(a) A year.
(b) Six months.
(c) One month.
(d) Two months.

9. Who, is it thought, owned the tinder-box found near Silas Marner's cottage?
(a) Dunsey Cass.
(b) Nancy Lammeter.
(c) A peddler who visited the town recently.
(d) A magistrate who recently left on business.

10. What does the landlord first have Silas Marner do after he arrives at the Rainbow?
(a) Declare who he thinks stole his gold.
(b) Tell his whole story with every detail.
(c) Take off his wet coat and sit by the fire.
(d) Get the constable.

11. What other option does Godfrey see besides confessing to his father?
(a) Moving away.
(b) Enlisting as a soldier.
(c) A life spent in fear.
(d) Bankruptcy.

12. What happened to Squire Cass’s wife?
(a) She had left him.
(b) She had died a long time ago.
(c) She was gone traveling.
(d) She lived happily by his side.

13. How does Godfrey find out that Wildfire is dead?
(a) Rumor reaches Godfrey while visiting at the Rainbow.
(b) Dunsey finally comes home and confesses.
(c) Godfrey finds Wildfire’s body.
(d) Bryce tells him.

14. Which pieces of money does Silas use to take care of his needs?
(a) The crowns.
(b) The guineas.
(c) The shillings and sixpences.
(d) The half-crowns.

15. Does Silas Marner want to punish the thief who stole his gold?
(a) Yes, he wants to see justice served.
(b) No, he just wants his money back.
(c) Yes, but getting his gold back is his main priority.
(d) No, he wants to find them and forgive them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dunsey think of as he passes Silas Marner’s cottage in Chapter 4?

2. What does Dunsey do after selling Wildfire?

3. What does it mean when it says "what does he do but go and stake him" (80) regarding Dunsey and Wildfire?

4. Who is the greatest man in Raveloe?

5. How does the evening’s conversation at the Rainbow begin?

(see the answer keys)

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