Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the lone horseman approaching at the opening of chapter 3?
(a) Sambre.
(b) Charleroi.
(c) Brussels.
(d) Paris.

2. Why do the Belgian cavalry flee?
(a) They had belonged to the French cavalry the year previously.
(b) They secretly root for Napoleon's victory.
(c) They are afraid to attack the more experienced French cavalry.
(d) They do not like the Prince of Orange.

3. What order does Sharpe refuse to take to Halkett?
(a) That Halkett's men form a line.
(b) That Halkett stay in place in his square.
(c) That Halkett retreat.
(d) That Halkett move East one mile.

4. Why is the Prince of Orange enraged?
(a) Because his infantry collapse on the first attack and his cavalry is routed by the French lancers.
(b) Because his reserve war horse has also been killed.
(c) Because the Duke of Wellington snubs him.
(d) Because he thinks he should lead a charge against the Cuirassiers.

5. Why is the Prince of Orange excited?
(a) He receives a letter from his father stating that he is receiving the title early to an estate he loves.
(b) He expects a great victory against the French.
(c) He just got a new warhorse.
(d) He has just become betrothed and wants a victory to impress his fiance.

6. Who arrives at Quatre Bras with the British Light Cavalry?
(a) John Faringale.
(b) The Baron von Helmeld.
(c) No one.
(d) John Rossendale.

7. What happens when Halkett obeys the Prince of Orange's orders?
(a) The Cuirassiers attack Halkett's line.
(b) The Duke of Wellington countermands the order.
(c) The Prince of Orange is relieved of his command.
(d) Halkett's men flee the battle.

8. Who is Lord John Rossendale?
(a) A cavalry officer of the British Life Guards.
(b) The Duchess's husband.
(c) The Duchess's brother.
(d) The commander of the riflemen facing the Dragoons.

9. Who accompanies Sharpe to Quatre Bras?
(a) An eighteen-year-old, Lieutenant Simon Doggett.
(b) A civilian guide.
(c) A Belgium sharpshooter.
(d) No one.

10. How are the Brunswickers identified?
(a) Yellow coats.
(b) Green coats.
(c) Black coats.
(d) Feathers in their caps.

11. From where do Harper and Sharpe withdraw?
(a) Their devastated regiment.
(b) The Prince of Orange.
(c) Belgium.
(d) Quatre Bras.

12. What does the Duke of Wellington order the Prince of Orange to do?
(a) To return to his headquarters after the ball.
(b) To return to his headquarters immediately.
(c) To resign his position.
(d) To find Sharpe for questioning.

13. Who arrives to drive off the French skirmishers?
(a) Cavalry under the Prince of Orange.
(b) The 110th Sharpshooters Regiment.
(c) No one.
(d) The Duke of Weston's cavalry.

14. Where is Napoleon Bonaparte as the Dragoons cross into Belgium?
(a) In Paris.
(b) On Elba Island.
(c) About 10 miles south of the entry place.
(d) In Russia.

15. How many of the Duke of Wellington's troops are reliable?
(a) Only about a quarter of them.
(b) About half.
(c) Almost all of them.
(d) About 2/3 of them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why might Sharpe not come to the Duchess's home?

2. Who are the Cuirassiers?

3. Who is with Sharpe when he joins the Prince of Orange at Quatre Bras?

4. How does the Duke of Wellington treat the Prince of Orange?

5. How do the British defend against the Cuirassiers?

(see the answer keys)

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