Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many of the Duke of Wellington's troops are reliable?
(a) About half.
(b) About 2/3 of them.
(c) Almost all of them.
(d) Only about a quarter of them.

2. What does Napoleon do in the East?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Defeats the Dutch artillery.
(c) Attacks Blucher's Prussian army.
(d) Withdraws his cavalry.

3. Why might Sharpe not come to the Duchess's home?
(a) He is ill.
(b) He is busy counter attacking the Dragoons.
(c) He does not enjoy social functions.
(d) He knows Rossendale is in town.

4. Where does Sharpe go to report after engaging the French forces in a feint?
(a) The Prince of Orange's headquarters.
(b) Quartre Bras.
(c) Brussels.
(d) He stays to keep track of the French army.

5. What do Sharpe and Rebecque draft in Chapter 5?
(a) A letter releasing Rossendale from service.
(b) A group of Belgium farmers.
(c) A herd of horses for their cavalry.
(d) An order for Prince Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, ostensibly from the Prince of Orange.

6. Who does Sharpe wonder about atoning to for his insubordination?
(a) The Duke of York.
(b) The Prince of Orange.
(c) The Prince of Wales.
(d) The Duke of Wellington.

7. Who is Lucille?
(a) Sharpe's new wife.
(b) Sharpe's mistress.
(c) The Duchess of Richmond's handmaiden.
(d) Sharpe's sister-in-law.

8. What has Wellington promised Blucher?
(a) To have the Dragoons in rout by the end of the day.
(b) Wellington will come to Blucher's aid unless he himself is attacked at the crossroads.
(c) To send the Prince of Orange back to the reserves.
(d) To lend him Sharpe if necessary.

9. Why do the Belgian cavalry flee?
(a) They do not like the Prince of Orange.
(b) They secretly root for Napoleon's victory.
(c) They had belonged to the French cavalry the year previously.
(d) They are afraid to attack the more experienced French cavalry.

10. What is Lucille most afraid of as she says goodbye to Sharpe?
(a) Rossendale taking out his hatred of Sharpe on Lucille.
(b) A British defeat and the French marching into Brussels.
(c) Having to go back to England unwed and pregnant if Sharpe dies.
(d) Sharpe getting killed.

11. How does the Duke of Wellington consider his English cavalry?
(a) As sensitive, undisciplined and prone to moments of insanity.
(b) As so incompetent they jeopardize other units.
(c) As fine horsemen but terrible marksmen.
(d) As his finest soldiers.

12. Where do Sharpe and Doggett find a French battalion?
(a) They find no French.
(b) Almost to Brussels.
(c) Near Quatre Bras.
(d) Near the village of Frasnes.

13. Who joins the fray who Sharpe and Harper recognize?
(a) The Duke of Northampton's levy.
(b) The 94th Riflemen Battalion.
(c) The Prince of Wale's Own Volunteers.
(d) The Duke of York's levy.

14. How is the horseman dressed?
(a) In a bard's outfit.
(b) In fine, nobleman's clothing.
(c) Like a monk.
(d) In a medley of different national uniforms.

15. What does the Duke of Wellington order the Prince of Orange to do?
(a) To return to his headquarters immediately.
(b) To resign his position.
(c) To return to his headquarters after the ball.
(d) To find Sharpe for questioning.

Short Answer Questions

1. What month of the year is it when the story opens?

2. What does Sharpe order Doggett to do?

3. Upon whose staff is the horseman?

4. What does Jane discover?

5. Who captures the 69th battalion's colours?

(see the answer keys)

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