Sharpe's Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the other officers think of Lawford's idea?
(a) They have small reservations.
(b) They like it immediately.
(c) They laugh him out of the tent.
(d) They are critical of it.

2. Where does McCandless wait for Appah Rao?
(a) At an ancient temple.
(b) At a river ford.
(c) By an old rajah estate.
(d) In a tavern.

3. Why does Sharpe take control of the mission?
(a) Sharpe is better at this type of mission.
(b) Lawford is supposed to be an officer.
(c) Lawford doesn't know the language.
(d) Lawford is supposed to be timid.

4. To what does Sharpe admit which adds to his credentials for the rescue job?
(a) Speaking the language.
(b) Knowing lock picking.
(c) Having knowledge of assassination techniques.
(d) Having been in a dungeon before.

5. What does Hakeswill goad Sharpe into doing?
(a) Hitting Captain Morris.
(b) Deserting.
(c) Marrying Mary.
(d) Hitting Hakeswill.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Hakeswill argue with Sharpe about Mary?

2. What does Harris think of Sharpe going with Lawford?

3. Why is Hakeswill thinking about Mary Bickerstaff?

4. For what is Hakeswill searching among the dead and dying troops?

5. What does Wellesley say about Sharpe?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do they decide Sharpe is a good choice for the mission?

2. Where do the lancers take Lawford and Sharpe and what do the two men see as they enter there?

3. What does Sharpe do about his and Mary's conversation?

4. What does Hakeswill argue with Sharpe about and what does Sharpe say to him?

5. How does Tippoo execute two men?

6. Why does Sharpe's case for the court-martial look hopeless?

7. What is Sharpe observing at the beginning of Chapter 1, and what is his position in the British army? What is he thinking about at the beginning of Chapter 1?

8. What does McCandless encounter on his way back to British forces?

9. What do Hector McCandless and Appah Rao do when they meet?

10. What nationality is Mary and what do she and Sharpe talk about when he joins her after the battle? To whom was Mary married when she became a widow?

(see the answer keys)

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