Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tubbs think are French soldiers?
(a) A group of men found hiding in some caves.
(b) An unfriendly looking group of horsemen.
(c) Several men hiding in a barn near the fort.
(d) Some of the men pretending to be farmers in the area.

2. Where does Ducos suggest sending 300 men?
(a) To circle around and wait on the coast.
(b) Avila.
(c) Back to Soult.
(d) Directly to Marmont.

3. Where does Teresa want to ride?
(a) To Brest.
(b) To Avila.
(c) To Paris.
(d) To Madrid.

4. What is spreading through the Spanish countryside?
(a) Cholera.
(b) Malaria.
(c) News of the French column headed to Avila.
(d) News of a large French army headed to San Miguel.

5. Why is Ducos' opinion important?
(a) He has Napoleon's ear.
(b) He is quite wealthy.
(c) He is influential with the common French people.
(d) His father is Napoleon's cousin.

6. What motivated Teresa to becomes a soldier?
(a) The French killed her young son.
(b) Because the French will not allow Spain to be independent even if Spain fights for them.
(c) The French killed her family.
(d) The French captured her father and brothers and they are in prison.

7. What will the rest of Herault's men do?
(a) Divide up and go through three different mountain passes.
(b) Wait in reserve where they are presently located.
(c) Hold the bridge at San Miguel de Tormes.
(d) Hold the bridge at Santos Carmo.

8. What is Major Ducos' position?
(a) Advisor to Cornwallis.
(b) The man in charge of logistics for Tubb's battalion.
(c) Commander of the Dragoons.
(d) A functionary for the Emperor.

9. How does Sharpe know La Aguja?
(a) She is his wife.
(b) He does not know La Aguja.
(c) He was once in prison with the man.
(d) There is a drawing of the man hanging on the fort commander's wall.

10. How many muskets does a priest discover at the fort?
(a) Almost 1,000.
(b) About 15,000.
(c) Almost 5,000.
(d) About 500.

11. Who is General Jean Herault?
(a) The commander of Fort Piqueues.
(b) The commander of the forces Soult sends north.
(c) The commander of the French forces dug in near Casa Lomalinda.
(d) The commander of the Navy at Brest waiting for orders to shell the shore.

12. What does Teresa suggest Sharpe have Hickey do?
(a) Retreat with the civilians since he is wounded.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Write a request for reinforcements.
(d) Send out scouts towards Avila.

13. What is one group against whom Herault fought?
(a) Ballesteros' Spaniards.
(b) Cinquero's Spaniards.
(c) Norththumberland's three brigades.
(d) Wellington's heavy cavalry.

14. What does Harper admit to Sharpe?
(a) He may not have smashed as much as the wine as Sharpe ordered.
(b) He is getting out of the Army as soon as Napoleon is defeated.
(c) He is getting married when he returns to England.
(d) He has always been in love with Teresa.

15. What does Sharpe keep in his room for medicinal purposes?
(a) Several bottles of laudanum.
(b) Three bottles of whiskey.
(c) 24 bottles of wine.
(d) Three bottles of scotch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who goes in search of the French?

2. How old is General Herault?

3. Where does the General lead a charge that destroys a British battalion?

4. Who is MacKeon?

5. What does Ducos plan to recommend to Napoleon?

(see the answer keys)

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