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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What was Faulkner during the war?
2. Where are Jubal and his master in 'Mountain Victory'?
3. Who does the old man in 'Beyond' say he would like to meet outside his house rather than the group of people there?
4. What is Virginia Sartoris known as?
5. What irritates the old man in 'Beyond' when he dies?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Captain Bogard miss seeing the hit on the Argentinian ship in 'Turnabout'?
2. What did the president in 'Lo' purchase for his servants, and why?
3. How does Faulkner describe the quiet in the Sartoris house?
4. What is the main motivation of Miss Jenny in 'There Was a Queen'?
5. What does the woman with the boy in 'Beyond' say when she sees the picture of the judge's son?
6. What happens as Weddel and Hule are leaving Vatch's house?
7. What does Narcissa do when she returns from her trip to Memphis?
8. How did the judge's son in 'Beyond' die?
9. How does Vatch say he once killed a rebel?
10. How does Buck feel during the awkward confrontation with Howard after his affair with Mildred?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The soldiers in 'Turnabout' presented a very interesting and unique philosophy on life. What was this philosophy, and how did this different idealism affect the people around them?
Essay Topic 2
Diversity was a major theme in this book as many different life-styles and ranks in society were involved. How was this theme shown in this book, and why do you think the author felt it was so important?
Essay Topic 3
Responsibility and coming of age were two themes that were interwoven in many places in this book- especially in 'Two Soldiers' and 'Mountain Victory'. Where do these themes appear, and how do they work together to move the plot along?
This section contains 611 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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