The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Stevie's reaction when the cab driver starts whipping the horse during the ride to his mother's charity home?
(a) Stevie attempts to pry the whip from the cab driver's hand
(b) Stevie becomes upset and attempts to climb down and walk.
(c) Stevie climbs down and refuses to get back on the cab.
(d) Stevie covers his eyes and screams for the driver to stop.

2. To whom does Winnie's mother entrust what she views as her most valuable asset, her son Stevie?
(a) Her only daughter.
(b) Stevie's stepfather.
(c) A close neighbor who has a son.
(d) Her only son.

3. What does Mr. Verloc attempt to convince his wife of concerning their relationship in their conversation after Heat departs their home?
(a) That he has done everything he could to support her and her family and that should be sufficient.
(b) How deeply in love he is with her and that should be sufficient for now.
(c) How deeply in love he is with her and will do anything to make Winnie's loss up to her.
(d) How they will be able to sell the shop and live freely in the country without further troubles as he has been granted immunity for his testimony.

4. What does Winnie explain to Stevie about the purpose of the police when he states they should do something for the poor?
(a) They aid people not merely because they are poor, but to ensure they do not steal things from rich people.
(b) They aid people not merely because they are poor, but to ensure the rich do not steal from them.
(c) They aid people not merely because they are poor, but to keep everyone safe.
(d) The poor do not pay their taxes, so the police do not help them.

5. How does Mr. Verloc feel upon returning from his trip taken shortly after his mother-in-law moved into a charity home?
(a) While not forgotten, he is no longer preoccupied by his troubles.
(b) He remains preoccupied by his troubles as he was before.
(c) He can now handle new and old matters without a problem.
(d) He has set his troubles completely aside and out of his mind.

6. Once having interviewed Mr. Verloc, what is it that the assistant commissioner quickly stresses to the secretary of state that he learned during his investigation regarding the Greenwich Park bombing?
(a) He does not feel Mr. Verloc will leave the country, but he has had an officer assigned to follow him.
(b) That Mrs. Verloc's testimony easily implicates the first secretary of the French embassy.
(c) That Michaelis is cleared of any involvement.
(d) That Mr. Verloc should be offered immunity in exchange for his testimony.

7. With the fear of the gallows looming ahead of her, what is it Winnie initially decides to do on the night of Mr. Verloc's death?
(a) Jump from a bridge.
(b) Slit her wrists.
(c) Jump in front of a tram.
(d) Poison herself.

8. What is the assistant commissioner's response to the secretary of state's decision to have Heat removed from the investigation of the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) The assistant commissioner is excited and more pleased to share a high-quality brandy and Cuban cigar with the secretary of state while discussing international issues.
(b) It pleases the assistant commissioner who promptly departs without further discussion on the matter except to assure the secretary of state he will return as directed.
(c) It pleases the assistant commissioner who then outlines his plan of action before departing.
(d) It displeases the assistant commissioner who, nevertheless, outlines his plan of action before departing.

9. What is the reason Mr. Verloc offers for Stevie accompanying him on a little country vacation?
(a) That Stevie is due for time alone, man-to-man with Mr. Verloc, as he is making the transition into adulthood.
(b) It is time for Stevie to get out of the city and away from the shop for a change of pace and a chance to explore.
(c) The scenery change will aid Stevie in getting past his mother's absence.
(d) That Stevie needs an opportunity to learn about life.

10. Who does the assistant commissioner find outside the Verloc pornography shop on the evening of the Greenwich Park bombing?
(a) Bright streetlamps offering little place to hide.
(b) A police officer walking past on his beat.
(c) A stocky, middle-aged male just leaving
(d) An individual closing the shop up.

11. What is Stevie's reaction when he later talks to the cab driver and learns of his plight in caring for four children and wife while having to do cab work at night?
(a) He becomes quite troubled about the poor, initially stating the police should help the poor, but later appears to have his mind on other things and to have forgotten the matter.
(b) He becomes quite troubled about the poor and their difficulties, and when going to the bus stop tells Winnie the police should take care of it.
(c) He becomes quite upset about the poor and their difficulties, and enroute to the train tells Winnie it is a matter the police should take care of.
(d) He becomes quite troubled about the poor and their difficulties, and while awaiting a hansom tells Winnie the police should take care of it.

12. After stabbing Mr Verloc, Winnie's reaction is to what?
(a) To make no sound at all beyond gathering her purse and walking calmly to the door.
(b) To begin sobbing uncontrolably and fall to her knees beside Mr. Verloc's body.
(c) To let out a faint shriek, snatch quickly at her skirts, and run to the door.
(d) To let out a loud scream, faint, and fall to the floor.

13. What is the assistant commissioner's action with the secretary of state's private secretary early in the evening of the Greenwich Park bombing?
(a) He accepts his hat and outer coat that he took off upon arrival, and utters only a quick word of thanks before departing.
(b) They exchange a few brief comments on the case and a current bill concerning fisheries before the assistant commissioner departs.
(c) He arranges a note be sent to his wife regarding his inability that evening to accompany her to the home of her friend for dinner.
(d) He accepts several more cigars and they exchange a few brief comments on a national sporting team before he departs.

14. After assuring Winnie that things will turn out all right in their escape, what does Ossipon do?
(a) He jumps, but takes only a relatively small amount of money along with him.
(b) He jumps, taking all of Mr. Verloc's money along with him and leaving Winnie behind.
(c) As Winnie is exhausted, he allows her to fall asleep while he watches over her.
(d) He jumps, fearing being caught aiding Winnie, and leaves the money with her.

15. On the evening of Stevie's death after Winnie has gone upstairs, what happens when Mr. Verloc enters his parlor and finds the meal his wife prepared earlier laid out?
(a) Mr. Verloc is not at all hungry given the death of Stevie, and the sight of the meal disturbs him.
(b) Mr. Verloc suddenly becomes very hungry and eats quickly, leaving the arving knife on a plate.
(c) Mr. Verloc skips the meal, goes upstairs, and continues attempting to convince Winnie he deeply loves her.
(d) Mr. Verloc sees the meal, becomes upset at the sight, and carries it into the kitchen, leaving the carving knife behind on a plate.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, when does Mr. Verloc return from his trip?

2. What is the secretary of state's response to the assistant commissioner's request to have Heat removed from the investigation of the Greenwich Park explosion?

3. Winnie imagines herself being put to death for her husband's murder and falling how many feet from the gallows with a rope around her neck?

4. What is Mr. Verloc's initial response to his wife's request concerning Stevie, in Chapter 9?

5. When it becomes apparent during their confrontation that Winnie wants to leave him, what does Mr. Verloc say to get a response from her?

(see the answer keys)

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