Schindler's List Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Schindler's List Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What disease did Schindler find the Jewish women fending off in the ghetto by scrubbing and boiling clothes?
(a) Typhus.
(b) Diptheria.
(c) Cholera.
(d) Influenza.

2. How does Schindler refer to Goeth in Chapter 20?
(a) As an executioner.
(b) As a cunning planner.
(c) As a lunatic.
(d) As a power-hungry madman.

3. In Chapter 10, Schindler becomes familiar with someone because of his daily drives past the ghetto area. Who was that person?
(a) Natalya Pomorska.
(b) Artur Rosenburg.
(c) Artur Rosenzweig.
(d) Symche Spira.

4. In Chapter 13, Richard the barman and his girlfriend visit Henry Rosner in the Jewish ghetto. What does she hide beneath her cape, and smuggle out of the ghetto when she leaves?
(a) Letters to Jewish relatives in other countries.
(b) Photographs of the last Aktion for the British newspapers.
(c) A young Jewish boy named Olek Rosner.
(d) Passport photos to be attached to fake German documents.

5. In the Prologue, a prisoner is also on his way to the Commandant's villa. Who is that prisoner?
(a) Polek Pfefferberg.
(b) Helen Hirsch.
(c) The chauffeur.
(d) Ivan the Ukranian.

Short Answer Questions

1. Julius Madritsch envisioned opening a factory in Podgorze. What did he plan to manufacture there?

2. In the Prologue, what does Bosch ask Schindler for, to benefit one of Bosch's relatives?

3. Where did Danka Dresner attempt to hide?

4. During which war does the action in this novel take place?

5. To what type of venue did Oskar Schindler invite a group of men around Christmas of 1939?

Short Essay Questions

1. Keneally writes that Schindler was "frightened" after his second arrest. What was different this time that made him unable to laugh off this arrest as he did the first?

2. The funeral pyres described in Chapter 27 signal the beginning of the end for Plaszow, yet there is no description of any panic or worry on the part of the prisoners. Having read the descriptions of the prisoners to this point, explain why you think this is so.

3. Oskar's 37th birthday, described in Chapter 37, is a happy day for the prisoners, though for Oskar there is a cloud over it because of a telegram. What was the news in that telegram?

4. After some of the war crimes trials, Oskar uses money from the Joint Distribution Committee to become a farmer of sorts. What does he decide to farm, and where?

5. Oskar promises Edith Liebgold she'll live through the war if she works at DEF. What have you read to this point in the book to indicate Schindler intended on keeping this promise?

6. Why are the doctors in Chapter 34 so worried about the possibility of a typhus outbreak at Brinnlitz?

7. According to witnesses, what did Amon Goeth do just before he was hung?

8. Oskar bought some new machinery locally, some from the "homeland." What might be some reasons for that?

9. Oskar eventually returns to Frankfurt, where he decides to go into industry again. What type of business does he open?

10. Write a short description of what you think an Aktion would have looked like to a Jew in Cracow in 1940.

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