Sanctuary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sanctuary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ruby think of men who drink?
(a) They are dangerous
(b) They are sexy
(c) They should be shot
(d) They are real men

2. What does Temple do to hide her fear and pain?
(a) She talks to Reba
(b) She cries
(c) She goes for walks
(d) She drinks

3. Who tries to ask Eustace about the Goodwin case?
(a) Benbow
(b) Temple
(c) Narcissa
(d) Ruby

4. Who does Benbow buy information from?
(a) Snopes
(b) Fonzo
(c) Narcissa
(d) Reba

5. How does Goodwin die?
(a) His burned
(b) He is shot
(c) He kills himself
(d) His is hung

6. Where does Miss Reba live?
(a) Nashville
(b) Biloxi
(c) Memphis
(d) Tallahassee

7. When does Minnie complain most about men?
(a) In the mornings
(b) When she hasn't been paid
(c) At night
(d) When they drink

8. How does Belle respond to seeing Benbow home?
(a) Angry
(b) Amused
(c) Ambivalent
(d) Amazed

9. Where is Temple taken after leaving the plantation?
(a) Memphis
(b) A hospital
(c) The dorms
(d) Her house

10. Where does Temple sit while talking to Benbow?
(a) Her bed
(b) A chair
(c) The floor
(d) A closet

11. How much advance payment does Snopes give Reba?
(a) 1 week
(b) 3 weeks
(c) 2 weeks
(d) 4 weeks

12. Where does Belle’s father live?
(a) North Carolina
(b) Kansas
(c) South Carolina
(d) Kentucky

13. How long does it take the jury to find a verdict?
(a) 6 hours
(b) 80 minutes
(c) 6 minutes
(d) 8 minutes

14. Where does Benbow see Narcissa in Jefferson?
(a) In the library
(b) At a restaurant
(c) At the courthouse
(d) On the street

15. How does Goodwin choose his sentencing to happen?
(a) As public as possible
(b) As slow as possible
(c) As private as possible
(d) As fast as possible

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Stevens get upset with Narcissa?

2. What does Reba congratulate Temple for?

3. Who does Benbow ask Temple about?

4. What does Miss Jenny say about men who drink?

5. Where does Goodwin want his son to get a job?

(see the answer keys)

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