Salem Falls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Salem Falls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jack win money for his friends in jail?
(a) He beats Mountain in an arm wrestle.
(b) He wins a scrabble tournament.
(c) He answers all the Jeopardy questions correctly.
(d) He gets the guard to get cable for the rec-room.

2. About what subject was Jack teaching when one of his students fell in love with him?
(a) Algebra.
(b) Rome.
(c) Poetry.
(d) Greece.

3. What was Addie's father arrested for?
(a) Statutory rape.
(b) Driving drunk.
(c) Obstructing justice.
(d) Public lewdness.

4. How old was Addie's daughter when she died?
(a) 8.
(b) 12.
(c) 6.
(d) 10.

5. What did Jack help the girl who accused him of rape buy?
(a) A bra.
(b) Health insurance.
(c) Bus tokens.
(d) Birth control.

6. What did Jack go to jail for?
(a) Statutory rape.
(b) Child pornography.
(c) Public lewdness.
(d) Child molestation.

7. What does Roy do to break the tension when he is caught drinking in the diner?
(a) Knocks over a table.
(b) Hugs and kisses the cook.
(c) Does a dance.
(d) Puts his hand on the grill.

8. What was Jack's main occupation before moving to Salem Falls?
(a) Writer.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Counselor.
(d) Coach.

9. What does the reverend do when Jack tries to defend himself against the accusations?
(a) Closes the door on his face.
(b) Punches him.
(c) Lets him have a confessional.
(d) Calls the police.

10. What was Addie's father driving when he was arrested?
(a) A bicycle.
(b) A lawnmower.
(c) A scooter.
(d) A golf cart.

11. What happens when Jack goes to investigate a strange noise at Addie's house?
(a) He sees a car driving off.
(b) He finds a threatening note.
(c) He gets beat up.
(d) He finds Gillian hiding in the bushes.

12. Who is Thomas trying to make jealous at the dance?
(a) Meg.
(b) Gillian.
(c) Chelsea.
(d) Serena.

13. Why does Jack take the plea deal even though he was innocent of the crime?
(a) There was a great deal of evidence against him.
(b) He was told it would stay off his record.
(c) The policemen said they would find something to arrest him for.
(d) He was protecting the girl.

14. What is Orren's occupation?
(a) Parole officer.
(b) Policeman.
(c) Inspector.
(d) Lawyer.

15. What does Addie say when Jack eats food from an uneaten plate?
(a) Don't leave that sitting there.
(b) You are welcome to that.
(c) She never finishes her food.
(d) Don't eat her food.

Short Answer Questions

1. What made Gillian so mad about her encounter with Jack?

2. While in prison, who warns Jack not to put his belongings in a certain tub?

3. What is Matt's profession?

4. How does Gillian stay home from school at the beginning of the book?

5. What kind of spell does Gillian try to cast on Jack?

(see the answer keys)

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