Sag Harbor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colson Whitehead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sag Harbor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colson Whitehead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Reggie and NP break off from Benji when they first find each other in Sag Harbor?
(a) Benji gets mad at them and storms off.
(b) They all get into a fight.
(c) They have decided to ditch Benji for the day.
(d) They walk to take a shortcut.

2. Whom does Benji *not* want to participate in the BB gun war?
(a) NP.
(b) Randy.
(c) Reggie.
(d) Nick.

3. What about Marcus's bike is so noteworthy?
(a) It is bright pink because it was originally his sisters.
(b) It has an annoying horn that he honks all the time.
(c) It's really loud when it changes gears.
(d) It has a small motor.

4. What does Benji suspect Meg's feelings are toward him during their time together at Jonni Waffle?
(a) He knows that she's a lesbian so he knows that she's definitely not interested.
(b) He thinks she has a crush on him but it grosses him out.
(c) He suspects she likes him back.
(d) He knows that she hates him.

5. What is Reggie most concerned with as he and Benji go walking around Sag Harbor?
(a) Keeping his new shoes clean.
(b) Showing off his new muscles.
(c) Finding his girlfriend from the last time they were there.
(d) Making sure his hair looks good.

6. What does Reggie do first when he gets to Sag Harbor?
(a) Goes for a run.
(b) Unpacks.
(c) Goes back to sleep for a few hours.
(d) Inspects the house with his father.

7. What is the title of Chapter 1?
(a) World, Meet Benji.
(b) Benji, Meet World.
(c) Notions of a Roller-Rink Infinity.
(d) This is a trick question; there is not title to Chapter 1.

8. What kind of place is Jonni Waffle?
(a) A breakfast place.
(b) An ice cream parlor.
(c) A sandwich shop that uses waffles for bread.
(d) A place that specializes in chicken and waffles.

9. What is the title of Chapter 3?
(a) If I Could Pay You Less, I Would.
(b) Chapter 3.
(c) Home Alone.
(d) Benji Beats Reggie.

10. Which character does NOT work at Jonni Waffle?
(a) Clive.
(b) Benji.
(c) NP.
(d) Nick.

11. Whose hand did Benji hold at the roller rink?
(a) Emily's.
(b) Sam's.
(c) Noelle's.
(d) Matilda's.

12. What's the problem with Benji's old bike in Sag Harbor?
(a) It's way too small.
(b) It's way too small.
(c) Someone painted it with graffiti.
(d) It's too beat up to be ridden anymore.

13. Where does Nick live during the school year?
(a) Sag Harbor.
(b) Philadelphia.
(c) New York City.
(d) Boston.

14. How do Benji and Reggie get a BB gun?
(a) Ask for one as a birthday gift.
(b) Share their money.
(c) Ask their parents to buy it.
(d) Borrow one from a friend.

15. Where does Reggie work in Sag Harbor?
(a) Burger King.
(b) KFC.
(c) McDonald's.
(d) Taco Bell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is going on when the power at Jonni Waffle goes out?

2. What does Benji do first when he gets to Sag Harbor?

3. What is Benji self-conscious of around Meg?

4. Where does Benji get hit during the BB gun fight?

5. What act of revenge does Benji take on Jonni Waffle during the power outage?

(see the answer keys)

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