Rudyard Kipling's Verse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rudyard Kipling's Verse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is happening in"Three Sealers"?
(a) Three vessels fight on the sea.
(b) Three noblemen try to court the same woman.
(c) Three soldiers are fighting.
(d) Three children fight for a toy.

2. Who is tending to household duties in "The Sons of Martha"?
(a) Martha.
(b) Marie Magdalene.
(c) Mary.
(d) Sophia.

3. Who realizes that God is the one who is in control in "What the People Said"?
(a) The gardener.
(b) The soldier.
(c) The priest.
(d) The plowman.

4. Who are the soldiers in "Hymn Before Action" praying for?
(a) For their comrades.
(b) For their enemies.
(c) For their Queen.
(d) For those who are not Christian.

5. What does the bird in "The Dove of Dacca" responsible for?
(a) A ship sinking.
(b) The death of a king.
(c) A battle to be lost.
(d) The destruction of the city.

6. What is Boanerges Blitzen 's stature in his profession?
(a) He is the main scholar of his profession.
(b) He is the leader of a faction.
(c) He is well known.
(d) He is less than famous.

7. What are the habits of the gypsies in "The Gypsy Trail" compared to by Kipling?
(a) Englishmen.
(b) Fish.
(c) Women.
(d) Animals.

8. What part of life does the man in "The Galley-Slave" describe?
(a) It's discipline.
(b) It's greatness.
(c) It's hardness.
(d) It's simplicity.

9. What are the young men in "Mesopotamia" dying for?
(a) For justice.
(b) A cause.
(c) Money.
(d) Country.

10. What bird is mentioned in "Epitaphs of the War"?
(a) A sparrow.
(b) A vulture.
(c) An eagle.
(d) A pelican.

11. What queen is inaugurated in "The Young Queen" ?
(a) The new Queen of Australia.
(b) The new Queen of Russia.
(c) The new Queen of Austria.
(d) The new Queen of England.

12. What do the men on "The Veterans" ask them to pray for?
(a) Victory.
(b) The soul of their comrades.
(c) For them to have as much courage as the veterans did.
(d) The soul of their enemies.

13. What is the name of the other character of "One Viceroy Resigns"?
(a) McMack
(b) Radcliff.
(c) Sutton.
(d) Landsowne.

14. What does the character in "The Ballad of the King's Jest" love to do?
(a) Travel.
(b) Smoke.
(c) Play golf.
(d) Talk.

15. What does "The Lesson" make a case for doing?
(a) Learning from the priests.
(b) Learning from past mistakes.
(c) Leaning from others.
(d) Learning from our helders.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the main characters of "The Native Poem" taught to be respectful of?

2. What are Kipling's poems based on according to "Prelude"?

3. Who tells the people to rejoice in "What the People Said"?

4. What will one day come in "The Undertaker's Horse"?

5. What is the man feeling when leaving the ship in "The Galley-Slave"?

(see the answer keys)

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