Objects & Places from Royal Holiday

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Royal Holiday

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Royal Holiday Lesson Plans

Sycamore Cottage

This building is where Vivian stays during her first days of her first visit to the United Kingdom, and it represents the wealth and grandeur of the British Royal family.

Vivian's Replica Tiara

Malcolm gifts this object to Vivian after Vivian is taken with the original - and extremely valuable - authentic version of it at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. This object represents Malcolm's thoughtfulness and attentiveness to Vivian.

Miles's Decision to Attend Art School

This young character's choice represents the yearning to follow one's dreams, often against others' advice.

Julia Peppers' Food

This life-sustaining consumable represents comfort and luxury for Vivian during her stay at Frogmore Cottage.

Mistletoe at Frogmore Cottage

Malcolm's and Vivian's kiss under this traditional plant represents the evolution of their romance into a more passionate and open stage.

The Royal Horses

These large, impressive animals represent risk and...

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